\n *
\"\n */\n template?: string;\n /**\n * Defines zIndex for the TopLoader.\n * @default 1600\n *\n */\n zIndex?: number;\n /**\n * To show the TopLoader at bottom.\n * @default false\n *\n */\n showAtBottom?: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n *\n * NextTopLoader\n *\n */\nconst NextTopLoader = ({\n color: propColor,\n height: propHeight,\n showSpinner,\n crawl,\n crawlSpeed,\n initialPosition,\n easing,\n speed,\n shadow,\n template,\n zIndex = 1600,\n showAtBottom = false,\n}: NextTopLoaderProps): JSX.Element => {\n const defaultColor = '#29d';\n const defaultHeight = 3;\n\n const color = propColor ?? defaultColor;\n const height = propHeight ?? defaultHeight;\n\n // Any falsy (except undefined) will disable the shadow\n const boxShadow =\n !shadow && shadow !== undefined\n ? ''\n : shadow\n ? `box-shadow:${shadow}`\n : `box-shadow:0 0 10px ${color},0 0 5px ${color}`;\n\n // Check if to show at bottom\n const positionStyle = showAtBottom ? 'bottom: 0;' : 'top: 0;';\n const spinnerPositionStyle = showAtBottom ? 'bottom: 15px;' : 'top: 15px;';\n\n /**\n * CSS Styles for the NextTopLoader\n */\n const styles = (\n \n );\n\n /**\n * Convert the url to Absolute URL based on the current window location.\n * @param url {string}\n * @returns {string}\n */\n const toAbsoluteURL = (url: string): string => {\n return new URL(url, window.location.href).href;\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if it is hash anchor or same page anchor\n * @param currentUrl {string} Current Url Location\n * @param newUrl {string} New Url detected with each anchor\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n const isHashAnchor = (currentUrl: string, newUrl: string): boolean => {\n const current = new URL(toAbsoluteURL(currentUrl));\n const next = new URL(toAbsoluteURL(newUrl));\n return current.href.split('#')[0] === next.href.split('#')[0];\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if it is Same Host name\n * @param currentUrl {string} Current Url Location\n * @param newUrl {string} New Url detected with each anchor\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n const isSameHostName = (currentUrl: string, newUrl: string): boolean => {\n const current = new URL(toAbsoluteURL(currentUrl));\n const next = new URL(toAbsoluteURL(newUrl));\n return current.hostname.replace(/^www\\./, '') === next.hostname.replace(/^www\\./, '');\n };\n\n React.useEffect((): ReturnType => {\n NProgress.configure({\n showSpinner: showSpinner ?? true,\n trickle: crawl ?? true,\n trickleSpeed: crawlSpeed ?? 200,\n minimum: initialPosition ?? 0.08,\n easing: easing ?? 'ease',\n speed: speed ?? 200,\n template:\n template ??\n '
',\n });\n\n /**\n * Check if the Current Url is same as New Url\n * @param currentUrl {string}\n * @param newUrl {string}\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function isAnchorOfCurrentUrl(currentUrl: string, newUrl: string): boolean {\n const currentUrlObj = new URL(currentUrl);\n const newUrlObj = new URL(newUrl);\n // Compare hostname, pathname, and search parameters\n if (\n currentUrlObj.hostname === newUrlObj.hostname &&\n currentUrlObj.pathname === newUrlObj.pathname &&\n currentUrlObj.search === newUrlObj.search\n ) {\n // Check if the new URL is just an anchor of the current URL page\n const currentHash = currentUrlObj.hash;\n const newHash = newUrlObj.hash;\n return (\n currentHash !== newHash && currentUrlObj.href.replace(currentHash, '') === newUrlObj.href.replace(newHash, '')\n );\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n // deno-lint-ignore no-var\n var nProgressClass: NodeListOf = document.querySelectorAll('html');\n\n const removeNProgressClass = (): void =>\n nProgressClass.forEach((el: Element) => el.classList.remove('nprogress-busy'));\n\n /**\n * Find the closest anchor to trigger\n * @param element {HTMLElement | null}\n * @returns element {Element}\n */\n function findClosestAnchor(element: HTMLElement | null): HTMLAnchorElement | null {\n while (element && element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'a') {\n element = element.parentElement;\n }\n return element as HTMLAnchorElement;\n }\n\n /**\n *\n * @param event {MouseEvent}\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function handleClick(event: MouseEvent): void {\n try {\n const target = event.target as HTMLElement;\n const anchor = findClosestAnchor(target);\n const newUrl = anchor?.href;\n if (newUrl) {\n const currentUrl = window.location.href;\n // const newUrl = (anchor as HTMLAnchorElement).href;\n const isExternalLink = (anchor as HTMLAnchorElement).target === '_blank';\n\n // Check for Special Schemes\n const isSpecialScheme = ['tel:', 'mailto:', 'sms:', 'blob:', 'download:'].some((scheme) =>\n newUrl.startsWith(scheme)\n );\n\n const isAnchor: boolean = isAnchorOfCurrentUrl(currentUrl, newUrl);\n const notSameHost = !isSameHostName(window.location.href, anchor.href);\n if (notSameHost) {\n return;\n }\n if (\n newUrl === currentUrl ||\n isAnchor ||\n isExternalLink ||\n isSpecialScheme ||\n event.ctrlKey ||\n event.metaKey ||\n event.shiftKey ||\n event.altKey ||\n isHashAnchor(window.location.href, anchor.href) ||\n !toAbsoluteURL(anchor.href).startsWith('http')\n ) {\n NProgress.start();\n NProgress.done();\n removeNProgressClass();\n } else {\n NProgress.start();\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n // Log the error in development only!\n // console.log('NextTopLoader error: ', err);\n NProgress.start();\n NProgress.done();\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Complete TopLoader Progress on adding new entry to history stack\n * @param {History}\n * @returns {void}\n */\n ((history: History): void => {\n const pushState = history.pushState;\n history.pushState = (...args) => {\n NProgress.done();\n removeNProgressClass();\n return pushState.apply(history, args);\n };\n })((window as Window).history);\n\n /**\n * Complete TopLoader Progress on replacing current entry of history stack\n * @param {History}\n * @returns {void}\n */\n ((history: History): void => {\n const replaceState = history.replaceState;\n history.replaceState = (...args) => {\n NProgress.done();\n removeNProgressClass();\n return replaceState.apply(history, args);\n };\n })((window as Window).history);\n\n function handlePageHide(): void {\n NProgress.done();\n removeNProgressClass();\n }\n\n /**\n * Handle Browser Back and Forth Navigation\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function handleBackAndForth(): void {\n NProgress.done();\n }\n\n // Add the global click event listener\n window.addEventListener('popstate', handleBackAndForth);\n document.addEventListener('click', handleClick);\n window.addEventListener('pagehide', handlePageHide);\n\n // Clean up the global click event listener when the component is unmounted\n return (): void => {\n document.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);\n window.removeEventListener('pagehide', handlePageHide);\n window.removeEventListener('popstate', handleBackAndForth);\n };\n }, []);\n\n return styles;\n};\nexport default NextTopLoader;\n\nNextTopLoader.propTypes = {\n color: PropTypes.string,\n height: PropTypes.number,\n showSpinner: PropTypes.bool,\n crawl: PropTypes.bool,\n crawlSpeed: PropTypes.number,\n initialPosition: PropTypes.number,\n easing: PropTypes.string,\n speed: PropTypes.number,\n template: PropTypes.string,\n shadow: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.bool]),\n zIndex: PropTypes.number,\n showAtBottom: PropTypes.bool,\n};\n","/* NProgress, (c) 2013, 2014 Rico Sta. Cruz - http://ricostacruz.com/nprogress\n * @license MIT */\n\n;(function(root, factory) {\n\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n define(factory);\n } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {\n module.exports = factory();\n } else {\n root.NProgress = factory();\n }\n\n})(this, function() {\n var NProgress = {};\n\n NProgress.version = '0.2.0';\n\n var Settings = NProgress.settings = {\n minimum: 0.08,\n easing: 'ease',\n positionUsing: '',\n speed: 200,\n trickle: true,\n trickleRate: 0.02,\n trickleSpeed: 800,\n showSpinner: true,\n barSelector: '[role=\"bar\"]',\n spinnerSelector: '[role=\"spinner\"]',\n parent: 'body',\n template: '
'\n };\n\n /**\n * Updates configuration.\n *\n * NProgress.configure({\n * minimum: 0.1\n * });\n */\n NProgress.configure = function(options) {\n var key, value;\n for (key in options) {\n value = options[key];\n if (value !== undefined && options.hasOwnProperty(key)) Settings[key] = value;\n }\n\n return this;\n };\n\n /**\n * Last number.\n */\n\n NProgress.status = null;\n\n /**\n * Sets the progress bar status, where `n` is a number from `0.0` to `1.0`.\n *\n * NProgress.set(0.4);\n * NProgress.set(1.0);\n */\n\n NProgress.set = function(n) {\n var started = NProgress.isStarted();\n\n n = clamp(n, Settings.minimum, 1);\n NProgress.status = (n === 1 ? null : n);\n\n var progress = NProgress.render(!started),\n bar = progress.querySelector(Settings.barSelector),\n speed = Settings.speed,\n ease = Settings.easing;\n\n progress.offsetWidth; /* Repaint */\n\n queue(function(next) {\n // Set positionUsing if it hasn't already been set\n if (Settings.positionUsing === '') Settings.positionUsing = NProgress.getPositioningCSS();\n\n // Add transition\n css(bar, barPositionCSS(n, speed, ease));\n\n if (n === 1) {\n // Fade out\n css(progress, { \n transition: 'none', \n opacity: 1 \n });\n progress.offsetWidth; /* Repaint */\n\n setTimeout(function() {\n css(progress, { \n transition: 'all ' + speed + 'ms linear', \n opacity: 0 \n });\n setTimeout(function() {\n NProgress.remove();\n next();\n }, speed);\n }, speed);\n } else {\n setTimeout(next, speed);\n }\n });\n\n return this;\n };\n\n NProgress.isStarted = function() {\n return typeof NProgress.status === 'number';\n };\n\n /**\n * Shows the progress bar.\n * This is the same as setting the status to 0%, except that it doesn't go backwards.\n *\n * NProgress.start();\n *\n */\n NProgress.start = function() {\n if (!NProgress.status) NProgress.set(0);\n\n var work = function() {\n setTimeout(function() {\n if (!NProgress.status) return;\n NProgress.trickle();\n work();\n }, Settings.trickleSpeed);\n };\n\n if (Settings.trickle) work();\n\n return this;\n };\n\n /**\n * Hides the progress bar.\n * This is the *sort of* the same as setting the status to 100%, with the\n * difference being `done()` makes some placebo effect of some realistic motion.\n *\n * NProgress.done();\n *\n * If `true` is passed, it will show the progress bar even if its hidden.\n *\n * NProgress.done(true);\n */\n\n NProgress.done = function(force) {\n if (!force && !NProgress.status) return this;\n\n return NProgress.inc(0.3 + 0.5 * Math.random()).set(1);\n };\n\n /**\n * Increments by a random amount.\n */\n\n NProgress.inc = function(amount) {\n var n = NProgress.status;\n\n if (!n) {\n return NProgress.start();\n } else {\n if (typeof amount !== 'number') {\n amount = (1 - n) * clamp(Math.random() * n, 0.1, 0.95);\n }\n\n n = clamp(n + amount, 0, 0.994);\n return NProgress.set(n);\n }\n };\n\n NProgress.trickle = function() {\n return NProgress.inc(Math.random() * Settings.trickleRate);\n };\n\n /**\n * Waits for all supplied jQuery promises and\n * increases the progress as the promises resolve.\n *\n * @param $promise jQUery Promise\n */\n (function() {\n var initial = 0, current = 0;\n\n NProgress.promise = function($promise) {\n if (!$promise || $promise.state() === \"resolved\") {\n return this;\n }\n\n if (current === 0) {\n NProgress.start();\n }\n\n initial++;\n current++;\n\n $promise.always(function() {\n current--;\n if (current === 0) {\n initial = 0;\n NProgress.done();\n } else {\n NProgress.set((initial - current) / initial);\n }\n });\n\n return this;\n };\n\n })();\n\n /**\n * (Internal) renders the progress bar markup based on the `template`\n * setting.\n */\n\n NProgress.render = function(fromStart) {\n if (NProgress.isRendered()) return document.getElementById('nprogress');\n\n addClass(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy');\n \n var progress = document.createElement('div');\n progress.id = 'nprogress';\n progress.innerHTML = Settings.template;\n\n var bar = progress.querySelector(Settings.barSelector),\n perc = fromStart ? '-100' : toBarPerc(NProgress.status || 0),\n parent = document.querySelector(Settings.parent),\n spinner;\n \n css(bar, {\n transition: 'all 0 linear',\n transform: 'translate3d(' + perc + '%,0,0)'\n });\n\n if (!Settings.showSpinner) {\n spinner = progress.querySelector(Settings.spinnerSelector);\n spinner && removeElement(spinner);\n }\n\n if (parent != document.body) {\n addClass(parent, 'nprogress-custom-parent');\n }\n\n parent.appendChild(progress);\n return progress;\n };\n\n /**\n * Removes the element. Opposite of render().\n */\n\n NProgress.remove = function() {\n removeClass(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy');\n removeClass(document.querySelector(Settings.parent), 'nprogress-custom-parent');\n var progress = document.getElementById('nprogress');\n progress && removeElement(progress);\n };\n\n /**\n * Checks if the progress bar is rendered.\n */\n\n NProgress.isRendered = function() {\n return !!document.getElementById('nprogress');\n };\n\n /**\n * Determine which positioning CSS rule to use.\n */\n\n NProgress.getPositioningCSS = function() {\n // Sniff on document.body.style\n var bodyStyle = document.body.style;\n\n // Sniff prefixes\n var vendorPrefix = ('WebkitTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'Webkit' :\n ('MozTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'Moz' :\n ('msTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'ms' :\n ('OTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'O' : '';\n\n if (vendorPrefix + 'Perspective' in bodyStyle) {\n // Modern browsers with 3D support, e.g. Webkit, IE10\n return 'translate3d';\n } else if (vendorPrefix + 'Transform' in bodyStyle) {\n // Browsers without 3D support, e.g. IE9\n return 'translate';\n } else {\n // Browsers without translate() support, e.g. IE7-8\n return 'margin';\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Helpers\n */\n\n function clamp(n, min, max) {\n if (n < min) return min;\n if (n > max) return max;\n return n;\n }\n\n /**\n * (Internal) converts a percentage (`0..1`) to a bar translateX\n * percentage (`-100%..0%`).\n */\n\n function toBarPerc(n) {\n return (-1 + n) * 100;\n }\n\n\n /**\n * (Internal) returns the correct CSS for changing the bar's\n * position given an n percentage, and speed and ease from Settings\n */\n\n function barPositionCSS(n, speed, ease) {\n var barCSS;\n\n if (Settings.positionUsing === 'translate3d') {\n barCSS = { transform: 'translate3d('+toBarPerc(n)+'%,0,0)' };\n } else if (Settings.positionUsing === 'translate') {\n barCSS = { transform: 'translate('+toBarPerc(n)+'%,0)' };\n } else {\n barCSS = { 'margin-left': toBarPerc(n)+'%' };\n }\n\n barCSS.transition = 'all '+speed+'ms '+ease;\n\n return barCSS;\n }\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Queues a function to be executed.\n */\n\n var queue = (function() {\n var pending = [];\n \n function next() {\n var fn = pending.shift();\n if (fn) {\n fn(next);\n }\n }\n\n return function(fn) {\n pending.push(fn);\n if (pending.length == 1) next();\n };\n })();\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Applies css properties to an element, similar to the jQuery \n * css method.\n *\n * While this helper does assist with vendor prefixed property names, it \n * does not perform any manipulation of values prior to setting styles.\n */\n\n var css = (function() {\n var cssPrefixes = [ 'Webkit', 'O', 'Moz', 'ms' ],\n cssProps = {};\n\n function camelCase(string) {\n return string.replace(/^-ms-/, 'ms-').replace(/-([\\da-z])/gi, function(match, letter) {\n return letter.toUpperCase();\n });\n }\n\n function getVendorProp(name) {\n var style = document.body.style;\n if (name in style) return name;\n\n var i = cssPrefixes.length,\n capName = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1),\n vendorName;\n while (i--) {\n vendorName = cssPrefixes[i] + capName;\n if (vendorName in style) return vendorName;\n }\n\n return name;\n }\n\n function getStyleProp(name) {\n name = camelCase(name);\n return cssProps[name] || (cssProps[name] = getVendorProp(name));\n }\n\n function applyCss(element, prop, value) {\n prop = getStyleProp(prop);\n element.style[prop] = value;\n }\n\n return function(element, properties) {\n var args = arguments,\n prop, \n value;\n\n if (args.length == 2) {\n for (prop in properties) {\n value = properties[prop];\n if (value !== undefined && properties.hasOwnProperty(prop)) applyCss(element, prop, value);\n }\n } else {\n applyCss(element, args[1], args[2]);\n }\n }\n })();\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Determines if an element or space separated list of class names contains a class name.\n */\n\n function hasClass(element, name) {\n var list = typeof element == 'string' ? element : classList(element);\n return list.indexOf(' ' + name + ' ') >= 0;\n }\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Adds a class to an element.\n */\n\n function addClass(element, name) {\n var oldList = classList(element),\n newList = oldList + name;\n\n if (hasClass(oldList, name)) return; \n\n // Trim the opening space.\n element.className = newList.substring(1);\n }\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Removes a class from an element.\n */\n\n function removeClass(element, name) {\n var oldList = classList(element),\n newList;\n\n if (!hasClass(element, name)) return;\n\n // Replace the class name.\n newList = oldList.replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' ');\n\n // Trim the opening and closing spaces.\n element.className = newList.substring(1, newList.length - 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Gets a space separated list of the class names on the element. \n * The list is wrapped with a single space on each end to facilitate finding \n * matches within the list.\n */\n\n function classList(element) {\n return (' ' + (element.className || '') + ' ').replace(/\\s+/gi, ' ');\n }\n\n /**\n * (Internal) Removes an element from the DOM.\n */\n\n function removeElement(element) {\n element && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.removeChild(element);\n }\n\n return NProgress;\n});\n\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = require('./lib/ReactPropTypesSecret');\n\nfunction emptyFunction() {}\nfunction emptyFunctionWithReset() {}\nemptyFunctionWithReset.resetWarningCache = emptyFunction;\n\nmodule.exports = function() {\n function shim(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {\n if (secret === ReactPropTypesSecret) {\n // It is still safe when called from React.\n return;\n }\n var err = new Error(\n 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. ' +\n 'Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. ' +\n 'Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types'\n );\n err.name = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n };\n shim.isRequired = shim;\n function getShim() {\n return shim;\n };\n // Important!\n // Keep this list in sync with production version in `./factoryWithTypeCheckers.js`.\n var ReactPropTypes = {\n array: shim,\n bigint: shim,\n bool: shim,\n func: shim,\n number: shim,\n object: shim,\n string: shim,\n symbol: shim,\n\n any: shim,\n arrayOf: getShim,\n element: shim,\n elementType: shim,\n instanceOf: getShim,\n node: shim,\n objectOf: getShim,\n oneOf: getShim,\n oneOfType: getShim,\n shape: getShim,\n exact: getShim,\n\n checkPropTypes: emptyFunctionWithReset,\n resetWarningCache: emptyFunction\n };\n\n ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;\n\n return ReactPropTypes;\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n var ReactIs = require('react-is');\n\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new development behavior.\n // http://fb.me/prop-types-in-prod\n var throwOnDirectAccess = true;\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithTypeCheckers')(ReactIs.isElement, throwOnDirectAccess);\n} else {\n // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new production behavior.\n // http://fb.me/prop-types-in-prod\n module.exports = require('./factoryWithThrowingShims')();\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED';\n\nmodule.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret;\n","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin","// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\nmodule.exports = {\"style\":{\"fontFamily\":\"'__Manrope_1b340f', '__Manrope_Fallback_1b340f'\",\"fontStyle\":\"normal\"},\"className\":\"__className_1b340f\"};","import $iFADg$react, {useContext as $iFADg$useContext, useState as $iFADg$useState, useEffect as $iFADg$useEffect, useMemo as $iFADg$useMemo, useCallback as $iFADg$useCallback} from \"react\";\nimport {useIsSSR as $iFADg$useIsSSR} from \"@react-aria/ssr\";\nimport {LocalizedStringDictionary as $iFADg$LocalizedStringDictionary, LocalizedStringFormatter as $iFADg$LocalizedStringFormatter} from \"@internationalized/string\";\nimport {DateFormatter as $iFADg$DateFormatter} from \"@internationalized/date\";\nimport {useDeepMemo as $iFADg$useDeepMemo} from \"@react-aria/utils\";\nimport {NumberFormatter as $iFADg$NumberFormatter} from \"@internationalized/number\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ /*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ /*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-to-left\nconst $148a7a147e38ea7f$var$RTL_SCRIPTS = new Set([\n \"Arab\",\n \"Syrc\",\n \"Samr\",\n \"Mand\",\n \"Thaa\",\n \"Mend\",\n \"Nkoo\",\n \"Adlm\",\n \"Rohg\",\n \"Hebr\"\n]);\nconst $148a7a147e38ea7f$var$RTL_LANGS = new Set([\n \"ae\",\n \"ar\",\n \"arc\",\n \"bcc\",\n \"bqi\",\n \"ckb\",\n \"dv\",\n \"fa\",\n \"glk\",\n \"he\",\n \"ku\",\n \"mzn\",\n \"nqo\",\n \"pnb\",\n \"ps\",\n \"sd\",\n \"ug\",\n \"ur\",\n \"yi\"\n]);\nfunction $148a7a147e38ea7f$export$702d680b21cbd764(localeString) {\n // If the Intl.Locale API is available, use it to get the locale's text direction.\n // @ts-ignore\n if (Intl.Locale) {\n let locale = new Intl.Locale(localeString).maximize();\n // Use the text info object to get the direction if possible.\n // @ts-ignore - this was implemented as a property by some browsers before it was standardized as a function.\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/Locale/getTextInfo\n let textInfo = typeof locale.getTextInfo === \"function\" ? locale.getTextInfo() : locale.textInfo;\n if (textInfo) return textInfo.direction === \"rtl\";\n // Fallback: guess using the script.\n // This is more accurate than guessing by language, since languages can be written in multiple scripts.\n if (locale.script) return $148a7a147e38ea7f$var$RTL_SCRIPTS.has(locale.script);\n }\n // If not, just guess by the language (first part of the locale)\n let lang = localeString.split(\"-\")[0];\n return $148a7a147e38ea7f$var$RTL_LANGS.has(lang);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\n// Locale passed from server by PackageLocalizationProvider.\nconst $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$localeSymbol = Symbol.for(\"react-aria.i18n.locale\");\nfunction $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$export$f09106e7c6677ec5() {\n let locale = typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window[$1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$localeSymbol] || typeof navigator !== \"undefined\" && (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage) || \"en-US\";\n try {\n // @ts-ignore\n Intl.DateTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf([\n locale\n ]);\n } catch (_err) {\n locale = \"en-US\";\n }\n return {\n locale: locale,\n direction: (0, $148a7a147e38ea7f$export$702d680b21cbd764)(locale) ? \"rtl\" : \"ltr\"\n };\n}\nlet $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$currentLocale = $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$export$f09106e7c6677ec5();\nlet $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$listeners = new Set();\nfunction $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$updateLocale() {\n $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$currentLocale = $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$export$f09106e7c6677ec5();\n for (let listener of $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$listeners)listener($1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$currentLocale);\n}\nfunction $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$export$188ec29ebc2bdc3a() {\n let isSSR = (0, $iFADg$useIsSSR)();\n let [defaultLocale, setDefaultLocale] = (0, $iFADg$useState)($1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$currentLocale);\n (0, $iFADg$useEffect)(()=>{\n if ($1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$listeners.size === 0) window.addEventListener(\"languagechange\", $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$updateLocale);\n $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$listeners.add(setDefaultLocale);\n return ()=>{\n $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$listeners.delete(setDefaultLocale);\n if ($1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$listeners.size === 0) window.removeEventListener(\"languagechange\", $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$var$updateLocale);\n };\n }, []);\n // We cannot determine the browser's language on the server, so default to\n // en-US. This will be updated after hydration on the client to the correct value.\n if (isSSR) return {\n locale: \"en-US\",\n direction: \"ltr\"\n };\n return defaultLocale;\n}\n\n\n\nconst $18f2051aff69b9bf$var$I18nContext = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $iFADg$react).createContext(null);\nfunction $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$a54013f0d02a8f82(props) {\n let { locale: locale, children: children } = props;\n let defaultLocale = (0, $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$export$188ec29ebc2bdc3a)();\n let value = locale ? {\n locale: locale,\n direction: (0, $148a7a147e38ea7f$export$702d680b21cbd764)(locale) ? \"rtl\" : \"ltr\"\n } : defaultLocale;\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $iFADg$react).createElement($18f2051aff69b9bf$var$I18nContext.Provider, {\n value: value\n }, children);\n}\nfunction $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7() {\n let defaultLocale = (0, $1e5a04cdaf7d1af8$export$188ec29ebc2bdc3a)();\n let context = (0, $iFADg$useContext)($18f2051aff69b9bf$var$I18nContext);\n return context || defaultLocale;\n}\n\n\nvar $2aa2084a6c2b6b4f$exports = {};\n\"use strict\";\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2022 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\nconst $fca6afa0e843324b$var$cache = new WeakMap();\nfunction $fca6afa0e843324b$var$getCachedDictionary(strings) {\n let dictionary = $fca6afa0e843324b$var$cache.get(strings);\n if (!dictionary) {\n dictionary = new (0, $iFADg$LocalizedStringDictionary)(strings);\n $fca6afa0e843324b$var$cache.set(strings, dictionary);\n }\n return dictionary;\n}\nfunction $fca6afa0e843324b$export$87b761675e8eaa10(strings, packageName) {\n return packageName && (0, $iFADg$LocalizedStringDictionary).getGlobalDictionaryForPackage(packageName) || $fca6afa0e843324b$var$getCachedDictionary(strings);\n}\nfunction $fca6afa0e843324b$export$f12b703ca79dfbb1(strings, packageName) {\n let { locale: locale } = (0, $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7)();\n let dictionary = $fca6afa0e843324b$export$87b761675e8eaa10(strings, packageName);\n return (0, $iFADg$useMemo)(()=>new (0, $iFADg$LocalizedStringFormatter)(locale, dictionary), [\n locale,\n dictionary\n ]);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\nfunction $33bf17300c498528$export$a2f47a3d2973640(options = {}) {\n let { locale: locale } = (0, $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7)();\n return (0, $iFADg$useMemo)(()=>new Intl.ListFormat(locale, options), [\n locale,\n options\n ]);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\n\nfunction $896ba0a80a8f4d36$export$85fd5fdf27bacc79(options) {\n // Reuse last options object if it is shallowly equal, which allows the useMemo result to also be reused.\n options = (0, $iFADg$useDeepMemo)(options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}, $896ba0a80a8f4d36$var$isEqual);\n let { locale: locale } = (0, $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7)();\n return (0, $iFADg$useMemo)(()=>new (0, $iFADg$DateFormatter)(locale, options), [\n locale,\n options\n ]);\n}\nfunction $896ba0a80a8f4d36$var$isEqual(a, b) {\n if (a === b) return true;\n let aKeys = Object.keys(a);\n let bKeys = Object.keys(b);\n if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) return false;\n for (let key of aKeys){\n if (b[key] !== a[key]) return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\nfunction $a916eb452884faea$export$b7a616150fdb9f44(options = {}) {\n let { locale: locale } = (0, $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7)();\n return (0, $iFADg$useMemo)(()=>new (0, $iFADg$NumberFormatter)(locale, options), [\n locale,\n options\n ]);\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \nlet $325a3faab7a68acd$var$cache = new Map();\nfunction $325a3faab7a68acd$export$a16aca283550c30d(options) {\n let { locale: locale } = (0, $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7)();\n let cacheKey = locale + (options ? Object.entries(options).sort((a, b)=>a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1).join() : \"\");\n if ($325a3faab7a68acd$var$cache.has(cacheKey)) return $325a3faab7a68acd$var$cache.get(cacheKey);\n let formatter = new Intl.Collator(locale, options);\n $325a3faab7a68acd$var$cache.set(cacheKey, formatter);\n return formatter;\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\nfunction $bb77f239b46e8c72$export$3274cf84b703fff(options) {\n let collator = (0, $325a3faab7a68acd$export$a16aca283550c30d)({\n usage: \"search\",\n ...options\n });\n // TODO(later): these methods don't currently support the ignorePunctuation option.\n let startsWith = (0, $iFADg$useCallback)((string, substring)=>{\n if (substring.length === 0) return true;\n // Normalize both strings so we can slice safely\n // TODO: take into account the ignorePunctuation option as well...\n string = string.normalize(\"NFC\");\n substring = substring.normalize(\"NFC\");\n return collator.compare(string.slice(0, substring.length), substring) === 0;\n }, [\n collator\n ]);\n let endsWith = (0, $iFADg$useCallback)((string, substring)=>{\n if (substring.length === 0) return true;\n string = string.normalize(\"NFC\");\n substring = substring.normalize(\"NFC\");\n return collator.compare(string.slice(-substring.length), substring) === 0;\n }, [\n collator\n ]);\n let contains = (0, $iFADg$useCallback)((string, substring)=>{\n if (substring.length === 0) return true;\n string = string.normalize(\"NFC\");\n substring = substring.normalize(\"NFC\");\n let scan = 0;\n let sliceLen = substring.length;\n for(; scan + sliceLen <= string.length; scan++){\n let slice = string.slice(scan, scan + sliceLen);\n if (collator.compare(substring, slice) === 0) return true;\n }\n return false;\n }, [\n collator\n ]);\n return (0, $iFADg$useMemo)(()=>({\n startsWith: startsWith,\n endsWith: endsWith,\n contains: contains\n }), [\n startsWith,\n endsWith,\n contains\n ]);\n}\n\n\n\n\nexport {$18f2051aff69b9bf$export$a54013f0d02a8f82 as I18nProvider, $18f2051aff69b9bf$export$43bb16f9c6d9e3f7 as useLocale, $fca6afa0e843324b$export$f12b703ca79dfbb1 as useLocalizedStringFormatter, $fca6afa0e843324b$export$87b761675e8eaa10 as useLocalizedStringDictionary, $33bf17300c498528$export$a2f47a3d2973640 as useListFormatter, $896ba0a80a8f4d36$export$85fd5fdf27bacc79 as useDateFormatter, $a916eb452884faea$export$b7a616150fdb9f44 as useNumberFormatter, $325a3faab7a68acd$export$a16aca283550c30d as useCollator, $bb77f239b46e8c72$export$3274cf84b703fff as useFilter};\n//# sourceMappingURL=real-module.js.map\n","var $773d5888b972f1cf$exports = {};\n$773d5888b972f1cf$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{62A}\\u{62C}\\u{627}\\u{647}\\u{644}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$773d5888b972f1cf$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=ar-AE.module.js.map\n","var $d11f19852b941573$exports = {};\n$d11f19852b941573$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{41E}\\u{442}\\u{445}\\u{432}\\u{44A}\\u{440}\\u{43B}\\u{44F}\\u{43D}\\u{435}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$d11f19852b941573$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=bg-BG.module.js.map\n","var $b983974c2ee1efb3$exports = {};\n$b983974c2ee1efb3$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Odstranit`\n};\n\n\nexport {$b983974c2ee1efb3$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=cs-CZ.module.js.map\n","var $5809cc9d4e92de73$exports = {};\n$5809cc9d4e92de73$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Luk`\n};\n\n\nexport {$5809cc9d4e92de73$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=da-DK.module.js.map\n","var $c68c2e4fc74398d1$exports = {};\n$c68c2e4fc74398d1$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Schlie\\xdfen`\n};\n\n\nexport {$c68c2e4fc74398d1$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=de-DE.module.js.map\n","var $0898b4c153db2b77$exports = {};\n$0898b4c153db2b77$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{391}\\u{3C0}\\u{3CC}\\u{3C1}\\u{3C1}\\u{3B9}\\u{3C8}\\u{3B7}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$0898b4c153db2b77$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=el-GR.module.js.map\n","var $6d74810286a15183$exports = {};\n$6d74810286a15183$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Dismiss`\n};\n\n\nexport {$6d74810286a15183$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=en-US.module.js.map\n","var $309d73dc65f78055$exports = {};\n$309d73dc65f78055$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Descartar`\n};\n\n\nexport {$309d73dc65f78055$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=es-ES.module.js.map\n","var $44ad94f7205cf593$exports = {};\n$44ad94f7205cf593$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `L\\xf5peta`\n};\n\n\nexport {$44ad94f7205cf593$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=et-EE.module.js.map\n","var $7c28f5687f0779a9$exports = {};\n$7c28f5687f0779a9$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Hylk\\xe4\\xe4`\n};\n\n\nexport {$7c28f5687f0779a9$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=fi-FI.module.js.map\n","var $e6d75df4b68bd73a$exports = {};\n$e6d75df4b68bd73a$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Rejeter`\n};\n\n\nexport {$e6d75df4b68bd73a$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=fr-FR.module.js.map\n","var $87505c9dab186d0f$exports = {};\n$87505c9dab186d0f$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{5D4}\\u{5EA}\\u{5E2}\\u{5DC}\\u{5DD}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$87505c9dab186d0f$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=he-IL.module.js.map\n","var $553439c3ffb3e492$exports = {};\n$553439c3ffb3e492$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Odbaci`\n};\n\n\nexport {$553439c3ffb3e492$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=hr-HR.module.js.map\n","var $74cf411061b983a2$exports = {};\n$74cf411061b983a2$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Elutas\\xedt\\xe1s`\n};\n\n\nexport {$74cf411061b983a2$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=hu-HU.module.js.map\n","var $e933f298574dc435$exports = {};\n$e933f298574dc435$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Ignora`\n};\n\n\nexport {$e933f298574dc435$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=it-IT.module.js.map\n","var $ac91fc9fe02f71f6$exports = {};\n$ac91fc9fe02f71f6$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{9589}\\u{3058}\\u{308B}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$ac91fc9fe02f71f6$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=ja-JP.module.js.map\n","var $52b96f86422025af$exports = {};\n$52b96f86422025af$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{BB34}\\u{C2DC}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$52b96f86422025af$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=ko-KR.module.js.map\n","var $c0d724c3e51dafa6$exports = {};\n$c0d724c3e51dafa6$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Atmesti`\n};\n\n\nexport {$c0d724c3e51dafa6$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=lt-LT.module.js.map\n","var $c92899672a3fe72e$exports = {};\n$c92899672a3fe72e$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Ner\\u{101}d\\u{12B}t`\n};\n\n\nexport {$c92899672a3fe72e$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=lv-LV.module.js.map\n","var $9f576b39d8e7a9d6$exports = {};\n$9f576b39d8e7a9d6$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Lukk`\n};\n\n\nexport {$9f576b39d8e7a9d6$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=nb-NO.module.js.map\n","var $9d025808aeec81a7$exports = {};\n$9d025808aeec81a7$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Negeren`\n};\n\n\nexport {$9d025808aeec81a7$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=nl-NL.module.js.map\n","var $fce709921e2c0fa6$exports = {};\n$fce709921e2c0fa6$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Zignoruj`\n};\n\n\nexport {$fce709921e2c0fa6$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=pl-PL.module.js.map\n","var $2599cf0c4ab37f59$exports = {};\n$2599cf0c4ab37f59$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Descartar`\n};\n\n\nexport {$2599cf0c4ab37f59$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=pt-BR.module.js.map\n","var $3c220ae7ef8a35fd$exports = {};\n$3c220ae7ef8a35fd$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Dispensar`\n};\n\n\nexport {$3c220ae7ef8a35fd$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=pt-PT.module.js.map\n","var $93562b5094072f54$exports = {};\n$93562b5094072f54$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Revocare`\n};\n\n\nexport {$93562b5094072f54$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=ro-RO.module.js.map\n","var $cd9e2abd0d06c7b4$exports = {};\n$cd9e2abd0d06c7b4$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{41F}\\u{440}\\u{43E}\\u{43F}\\u{443}\\u{441}\\u{442}\\u{438}\\u{442}\\u{44C}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$cd9e2abd0d06c7b4$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=ru-RU.module.js.map\n","var $45375701f409adf1$exports = {};\n$45375701f409adf1$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Zru\\u{161}i\\u{165}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$45375701f409adf1$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=sk-SK.module.js.map\n","var $27fab53a576de9dd$exports = {};\n$27fab53a576de9dd$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Opusti`\n};\n\n\nexport {$27fab53a576de9dd$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=sl-SI.module.js.map\n","var $4438748d9952e7c7$exports = {};\n$4438748d9952e7c7$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Odbaci`\n};\n\n\nexport {$4438748d9952e7c7$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=sr-SP.module.js.map\n","var $0936d7347ef4da4c$exports = {};\n$0936d7347ef4da4c$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Avvisa`\n};\n\n\nexport {$0936d7347ef4da4c$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=sv-SE.module.js.map\n","var $29700c92185d38f8$exports = {};\n$29700c92185d38f8$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `Kapat`\n};\n\n\nexport {$29700c92185d38f8$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=tr-TR.module.js.map\n","var $662ccaf2be4c25b3$exports = {};\n$662ccaf2be4c25b3$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{421}\\u{43A}\\u{430}\\u{441}\\u{443}\\u{432}\\u{430}\\u{442}\\u{438}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$662ccaf2be4c25b3$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=uk-UA.module.js.map\n","var $d80a27deda7cdb3c$exports = {};\n$d80a27deda7cdb3c$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{53D6}\\u{6D88}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$d80a27deda7cdb3c$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=zh-CN.module.js.map\n","var $2b2734393847c884$exports = {};\n$2b2734393847c884$exports = {\n \"dismiss\": `\\u{95DC}\\u{9589}`\n};\n\n\nexport {$2b2734393847c884$exports as default};\n//# sourceMappingURL=zh-TW.module.js.map\n","import $773d5888b972f1cf$exports from \"./ar-AE.mjs\";\nimport $d11f19852b941573$exports from \"./bg-BG.mjs\";\nimport $b983974c2ee1efb3$exports from \"./cs-CZ.mjs\";\nimport $5809cc9d4e92de73$exports from \"./da-DK.mjs\";\nimport $c68c2e4fc74398d1$exports from \"./de-DE.mjs\";\nimport $0898b4c153db2b77$exports from \"./el-GR.mjs\";\nimport $6d74810286a15183$exports from \"./en-US.mjs\";\nimport $309d73dc65f78055$exports from \"./es-ES.mjs\";\nimport $44ad94f7205cf593$exports from \"./et-EE.mjs\";\nimport $7c28f5687f0779a9$exports from \"./fi-FI.mjs\";\nimport $e6d75df4b68bd73a$exports from \"./fr-FR.mjs\";\nimport $87505c9dab186d0f$exports from \"./he-IL.mjs\";\nimport $553439c3ffb3e492$exports from \"./hr-HR.mjs\";\nimport $74cf411061b983a2$exports from \"./hu-HU.mjs\";\nimport $e933f298574dc435$exports from \"./it-IT.mjs\";\nimport $ac91fc9fe02f71f6$exports from \"./ja-JP.mjs\";\nimport $52b96f86422025af$exports from \"./ko-KR.mjs\";\nimport $c0d724c3e51dafa6$exports from \"./lt-LT.mjs\";\nimport $c92899672a3fe72e$exports from \"./lv-LV.mjs\";\nimport $9f576b39d8e7a9d6$exports from \"./nb-NO.mjs\";\nimport $9d025808aeec81a7$exports from \"./nl-NL.mjs\";\nimport $fce709921e2c0fa6$exports from \"./pl-PL.mjs\";\nimport $2599cf0c4ab37f59$exports from \"./pt-BR.mjs\";\nimport $3c220ae7ef8a35fd$exports from \"./pt-PT.mjs\";\nimport $93562b5094072f54$exports from \"./ro-RO.mjs\";\nimport $cd9e2abd0d06c7b4$exports from \"./ru-RU.mjs\";\nimport $45375701f409adf1$exports from \"./sk-SK.mjs\";\nimport $27fab53a576de9dd$exports from \"./sl-SI.mjs\";\nimport $4438748d9952e7c7$exports from \"./sr-SP.mjs\";\nimport $0936d7347ef4da4c$exports from \"./sv-SE.mjs\";\nimport $29700c92185d38f8$exports from \"./tr-TR.mjs\";\nimport $662ccaf2be4c25b3$exports from \"./uk-UA.mjs\";\nimport $d80a27deda7cdb3c$exports from \"./zh-CN.mjs\";\nimport $2b2734393847c884$exports from \"./zh-TW.mjs\";\nimport $k7QOs$react, {useState as $k7QOs$useState, useRef as $k7QOs$useRef, useEffect as $k7QOs$useEffect, useCallback as $k7QOs$useCallback, useContext as $k7QOs$useContext, useMemo as $k7QOs$useMemo} from \"react\";\nimport {useLayoutEffect as $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect, useResizeObserver as $k7QOs$useResizeObserver, isWebKit as $k7QOs$isWebKit, clamp as $k7QOs$clamp, useId as $k7QOs$useId, isIOS as $k7QOs$isIOS, chain as $k7QOs$chain, getScrollParent as $k7QOs$getScrollParent, useLabels as $k7QOs$useLabels, mergeProps as $k7QOs$mergeProps} from \"@react-aria/utils\";\nimport {useLocale as $k7QOs$useLocale, useLocalizedStringFormatter as $k7QOs$useLocalizedStringFormatter} from \"@react-aria/i18n\";\nimport {isElementInChildOfActiveScope as $k7QOs$isElementInChildOfActiveScope, FocusScope as $k7QOs$FocusScope} from \"@react-aria/focus\";\nimport {useInteractOutside as $k7QOs$useInteractOutside, useFocusWithin as $k7QOs$useFocusWithin, ClearPressResponder as $k7QOs$ClearPressResponder} from \"@react-aria/interactions\";\nimport $k7QOs$reactdom from \"react-dom\";\nimport {useIsSSR as $k7QOs$useIsSSR} from \"@react-aria/ssr\";\nimport {VisuallyHidden as $k7QOs$VisuallyHidden} from \"@react-aria/visually-hidden\";\n\n\nfunction $parcel$interopDefault(a) {\n return a && a.__esModule ? a.default : a;\n}\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ /*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ /*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \nconst $edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS = {\n top: \"top\",\n bottom: \"top\",\n left: \"left\",\n right: \"left\"\n};\nconst $edcf132a9284368a$var$FLIPPED_DIRECTION = {\n top: \"bottom\",\n bottom: \"top\",\n left: \"right\",\n right: \"left\"\n};\nconst $edcf132a9284368a$var$CROSS_AXIS = {\n top: \"left\",\n left: \"top\"\n};\nconst $edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS_SIZE = {\n top: \"height\",\n left: \"width\"\n};\nconst $edcf132a9284368a$var$TOTAL_SIZE = {\n width: \"totalWidth\",\n height: \"totalHeight\"\n};\nconst $edcf132a9284368a$var$PARSED_PLACEMENT_CACHE = {};\n// @ts-ignore\nlet $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport = typeof document !== \"undefined\" && window.visualViewport;\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getContainerDimensions(containerNode) {\n let width = 0, height = 0, totalWidth = 0, totalHeight = 0, top = 0, left = 0;\n let scroll = {};\n let isPinchZoomedIn = ($edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport === null || $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.scale) > 1;\n if (containerNode.tagName === \"BODY\") {\n let documentElement = document.documentElement;\n totalWidth = documentElement.clientWidth;\n totalHeight = documentElement.clientHeight;\n var _visualViewport_width;\n width = (_visualViewport_width = $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport === null || $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.width) !== null && _visualViewport_width !== void 0 ? _visualViewport_width : totalWidth;\n var _visualViewport_height;\n height = (_visualViewport_height = $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport === null || $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.height) !== null && _visualViewport_height !== void 0 ? _visualViewport_height : totalHeight;\n scroll.top = documentElement.scrollTop || containerNode.scrollTop;\n scroll.left = documentElement.scrollLeft || containerNode.scrollLeft;\n // The goal of the below is to get a top/left value that represents the top/left of the visual viewport with\n // respect to the layout viewport origin. This combined with the scrollTop/scrollLeft will allow us to calculate\n // coordinates/values with respect to the visual viewport or with respect to the layout viewport.\n if ($edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport) {\n top = $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.offsetTop;\n left = $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.offsetLeft;\n }\n } else {\n ({ width: width, height: height, top: top, left: left } = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(containerNode));\n scroll.top = containerNode.scrollTop;\n scroll.left = containerNode.scrollLeft;\n totalWidth = width;\n totalHeight = height;\n }\n if ((0, $k7QOs$isWebKit)() && (containerNode.tagName === \"BODY\" || containerNode.tagName === \"HTML\") && isPinchZoomedIn) {\n // Safari will report a non-zero scrollTop/Left for the non-scrolling body/HTML element when pinch zoomed in unlike other browsers.\n // Set to zero for parity calculations so we get consistent positioning of overlays across all browsers.\n // Also switch to visualViewport.pageTop/pageLeft so that we still accomodate for scroll positioning for body/HTML elements that are actually scrollable\n // before pinch zoom happens\n scroll.top = 0;\n scroll.left = 0;\n top = $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.pageTop;\n left = $edcf132a9284368a$var$visualViewport.pageLeft;\n }\n return {\n width: width,\n height: height,\n totalWidth: totalWidth,\n totalHeight: totalHeight,\n scroll: scroll,\n top: top,\n left: left\n };\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getScroll(node) {\n return {\n top: node.scrollTop,\n left: node.scrollLeft,\n width: node.scrollWidth,\n height: node.scrollHeight\n };\n}\n// Determines the amount of space required when moving the overlay to ensure it remains in the boundary\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getDelta(axis, offset, size, // The dimensions of the boundary element that the popover is\n// positioned within (most of the time this is the ).\nboundaryDimensions, // The dimensions of the containing block element that the popover is\n// positioned relative to (e.g. parent with position: relative).\n// Usually this is the same as the boundary element, but if the popover\n// is portaled somewhere other than the body and has an ancestor with\n// position: relative/absolute, it will be different.\ncontainerDimensions, padding, containerOffsetWithBoundary) {\n let containerScroll = containerDimensions.scroll[axis];\n // The height/width of the boundary. Matches the axis along which we are adjusting the overlay position\n let boundarySize = boundaryDimensions[$edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS_SIZE[axis]];\n // Calculate the edges of the boundary (accomodating for the boundary padding) and the edges of the overlay.\n // Note that these values are with respect to the visual viewport (aka 0,0 is the top left of the viewport)\n let boundaryStartEdge = boundaryDimensions.scroll[$edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS[axis]] + padding;\n let boundaryEndEdge = boundarySize + boundaryDimensions.scroll[$edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS[axis]] - padding;\n let startEdgeOffset = offset - containerScroll + containerOffsetWithBoundary[axis] - boundaryDimensions[$edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS[axis]];\n let endEdgeOffset = offset - containerScroll + size + containerOffsetWithBoundary[axis] - boundaryDimensions[$edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS[axis]];\n // If any of the overlay edges falls outside of the boundary, shift the overlay the required amount to align one of the overlay's\n // edges with the closest boundary edge.\n if (startEdgeOffset < boundaryStartEdge) return boundaryStartEdge - startEdgeOffset;\n else if (endEdgeOffset > boundaryEndEdge) return Math.max(boundaryEndEdge - endEdgeOffset, boundaryStartEdge - startEdgeOffset);\n else return 0;\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getMargins(node) {\n let style = window.getComputedStyle(node);\n return {\n top: parseInt(style.marginTop, 10) || 0,\n bottom: parseInt(style.marginBottom, 10) || 0,\n left: parseInt(style.marginLeft, 10) || 0,\n right: parseInt(style.marginRight, 10) || 0\n };\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$parsePlacement(input) {\n if ($edcf132a9284368a$var$PARSED_PLACEMENT_CACHE[input]) return $edcf132a9284368a$var$PARSED_PLACEMENT_CACHE[input];\n let [placement, crossPlacement] = input.split(\" \");\n let axis = $edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS[placement] || \"right\";\n let crossAxis = $edcf132a9284368a$var$CROSS_AXIS[axis];\n if (!$edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS[crossPlacement]) crossPlacement = \"center\";\n let size = $edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS_SIZE[axis];\n let crossSize = $edcf132a9284368a$var$AXIS_SIZE[crossAxis];\n $edcf132a9284368a$var$PARSED_PLACEMENT_CACHE[input] = {\n placement: placement,\n crossPlacement: crossPlacement,\n axis: axis,\n crossAxis: crossAxis,\n size: size,\n crossSize: crossSize\n };\n return $edcf132a9284368a$var$PARSED_PLACEMENT_CACHE[input];\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$computePosition(childOffset, boundaryDimensions, overlaySize, placementInfo, offset, crossOffset, containerOffsetWithBoundary, isContainerPositioned, arrowSize, arrowBoundaryOffset) {\n let { placement: placement, crossPlacement: crossPlacement, axis: axis, crossAxis: crossAxis, size: size, crossSize: crossSize } = placementInfo;\n let position = {};\n // button position\n position[crossAxis] = childOffset[crossAxis];\n if (crossPlacement === \"center\") // + (button size / 2) - (overlay size / 2)\n // at this point the overlay center should match the button center\n position[crossAxis] += (childOffset[crossSize] - overlaySize[crossSize]) / 2;\n else if (crossPlacement !== crossAxis) // + (button size) - (overlay size)\n // at this point the overlay bottom should match the button bottom\n position[crossAxis] += childOffset[crossSize] - overlaySize[crossSize];\n /* else {\n the overlay top should match the button top\n } */ \n position[crossAxis] += crossOffset;\n // overlay top overlapping arrow with button bottom\n const minPosition = childOffset[crossAxis] - overlaySize[crossSize] + arrowSize + arrowBoundaryOffset;\n // overlay bottom overlapping arrow with button top\n const maxPosition = childOffset[crossAxis] + childOffset[crossSize] - arrowSize - arrowBoundaryOffset;\n position[crossAxis] = (0, $k7QOs$clamp)(position[crossAxis], minPosition, maxPosition);\n // Floor these so the position isn't placed on a partial pixel, only whole pixels. Shouldn't matter if it was floored or ceiled, so chose one.\n if (placement === axis) {\n // If the container is positioned (non-static), then we use the container's actual\n // height, as `bottom` will be relative to this height. But if the container is static,\n // then it can only be the `document.body`, and `bottom` will be relative to _its_\n // container, which should be as large as boundaryDimensions.\n const containerHeight = isContainerPositioned ? containerOffsetWithBoundary[size] : boundaryDimensions[$edcf132a9284368a$var$TOTAL_SIZE[size]];\n position[$edcf132a9284368a$var$FLIPPED_DIRECTION[axis]] = Math.floor(containerHeight - childOffset[axis] + offset);\n } else position[axis] = Math.floor(childOffset[axis] + childOffset[size] + offset);\n return position;\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getMaxHeight(position, boundaryDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, isContainerPositioned, margins, padding, overlayHeight, heightGrowthDirection) {\n const containerHeight = isContainerPositioned ? containerOffsetWithBoundary.height : boundaryDimensions[$edcf132a9284368a$var$TOTAL_SIZE.height];\n // For cases where position is set via \"bottom\" instead of \"top\", we need to calculate the true overlay top with respect to the boundary. Reverse calculate this with the same method\n // used in computePosition.\n let overlayTop = position.top != null ? containerOffsetWithBoundary.top + position.top : containerOffsetWithBoundary.top + (containerHeight - position.bottom - overlayHeight);\n let maxHeight = heightGrowthDirection !== \"top\" ? // We want the distance between the top of the overlay to the bottom of the boundary\n Math.max(0, boundaryDimensions.height + boundaryDimensions.top + boundaryDimensions.scroll.top // this is the bottom of the boundary\n - overlayTop // this is the top of the overlay\n - (margins.top + margins.bottom + padding // save additional space for margin and padding\n )) : Math.max(0, overlayTop + overlayHeight // this is the bottom of the overlay\n - (boundaryDimensions.top + boundaryDimensions.scroll.top // this is the top of the boundary\n ) - (margins.top + margins.bottom + padding // save additional space for margin and padding\n ));\n return Math.min(boundaryDimensions.height - padding * 2, maxHeight);\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getAvailableSpace(boundaryDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, childOffset, margins, padding, placementInfo) {\n let { placement: placement, axis: axis, size: size } = placementInfo;\n if (placement === axis) return Math.max(0, childOffset[axis] - boundaryDimensions[axis] - boundaryDimensions.scroll[axis] + containerOffsetWithBoundary[axis] - margins[axis] - margins[$edcf132a9284368a$var$FLIPPED_DIRECTION[axis]] - padding);\n return Math.max(0, boundaryDimensions[size] + boundaryDimensions[axis] + boundaryDimensions.scroll[axis] - containerOffsetWithBoundary[axis] - childOffset[axis] - childOffset[size] - margins[axis] - margins[$edcf132a9284368a$var$FLIPPED_DIRECTION[axis]] - padding);\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$export$6839422d1f33cee9(placementInput, childOffset, overlaySize, scrollSize, margins, padding, flip, boundaryDimensions, containerDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, offset, crossOffset, isContainerPositioned, userSetMaxHeight, arrowSize, arrowBoundaryOffset) {\n let placementInfo = $edcf132a9284368a$var$parsePlacement(placementInput);\n let { size: size, crossAxis: crossAxis, crossSize: crossSize, placement: placement, crossPlacement: crossPlacement } = placementInfo;\n let position = $edcf132a9284368a$var$computePosition(childOffset, boundaryDimensions, overlaySize, placementInfo, offset, crossOffset, containerOffsetWithBoundary, isContainerPositioned, arrowSize, arrowBoundaryOffset);\n let normalizedOffset = offset;\n let space = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getAvailableSpace(boundaryDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, childOffset, margins, padding + offset, placementInfo);\n // Check if the scroll size of the overlay is greater than the available space to determine if we need to flip\n if (flip && scrollSize[size] > space) {\n let flippedPlacementInfo = $edcf132a9284368a$var$parsePlacement(`${$edcf132a9284368a$var$FLIPPED_DIRECTION[placement]} ${crossPlacement}`);\n let flippedPosition = $edcf132a9284368a$var$computePosition(childOffset, boundaryDimensions, overlaySize, flippedPlacementInfo, offset, crossOffset, containerOffsetWithBoundary, isContainerPositioned, arrowSize, arrowBoundaryOffset);\n let flippedSpace = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getAvailableSpace(boundaryDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, childOffset, margins, padding + offset, flippedPlacementInfo);\n // If the available space for the flipped position is greater than the original available space, flip.\n if (flippedSpace > space) {\n placementInfo = flippedPlacementInfo;\n position = flippedPosition;\n normalizedOffset = offset;\n }\n }\n // Determine the direction the height of the overlay can grow so that we can choose how to calculate the max height\n let heightGrowthDirection = \"bottom\";\n if (placementInfo.axis === \"top\") {\n if (placementInfo.placement === \"top\") heightGrowthDirection = \"top\";\n else if (placementInfo.placement === \"bottom\") heightGrowthDirection = \"bottom\";\n } else if (placementInfo.crossAxis === \"top\") {\n if (placementInfo.crossPlacement === \"top\") heightGrowthDirection = \"bottom\";\n else if (placementInfo.crossPlacement === \"bottom\") heightGrowthDirection = \"top\";\n }\n let delta = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getDelta(crossAxis, position[crossAxis], overlaySize[crossSize], boundaryDimensions, containerDimensions, padding, containerOffsetWithBoundary);\n position[crossAxis] += delta;\n let maxHeight = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getMaxHeight(position, boundaryDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, isContainerPositioned, margins, padding, overlaySize.height, heightGrowthDirection);\n if (userSetMaxHeight && userSetMaxHeight < maxHeight) maxHeight = userSetMaxHeight;\n overlaySize.height = Math.min(overlaySize.height, maxHeight);\n position = $edcf132a9284368a$var$computePosition(childOffset, boundaryDimensions, overlaySize, placementInfo, normalizedOffset, crossOffset, containerOffsetWithBoundary, isContainerPositioned, arrowSize, arrowBoundaryOffset);\n delta = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getDelta(crossAxis, position[crossAxis], overlaySize[crossSize], boundaryDimensions, containerDimensions, padding, containerOffsetWithBoundary);\n position[crossAxis] += delta;\n let arrowPosition = {};\n // All values are transformed so that 0 is at the top/left of the overlay depending on the orientation\n // Prefer the arrow being in the center of the trigger/overlay anchor element\n let preferredArrowPosition = childOffset[crossAxis] + .5 * childOffset[crossSize] - overlaySize[crossAxis];\n // Min/Max position limits for the arrow with respect to the overlay\n const arrowMinPosition = arrowSize / 2 + arrowBoundaryOffset;\n const arrowMaxPosition = overlaySize[crossSize] - arrowSize / 2 - arrowBoundaryOffset;\n // Min/Max position limits for the arrow with respect to the trigger/overlay anchor element\n const arrowOverlappingChildMinEdge = childOffset[crossAxis] - overlaySize[crossAxis] + arrowSize / 2;\n const arrowOverlappingChildMaxEdge = childOffset[crossAxis] + childOffset[crossSize] - overlaySize[crossAxis] - arrowSize / 2;\n // Clamp the arrow positioning so that it always is within the bounds of the anchor and the overlay\n const arrowPositionOverlappingChild = (0, $k7QOs$clamp)(preferredArrowPosition, arrowOverlappingChildMinEdge, arrowOverlappingChildMaxEdge);\n arrowPosition[crossAxis] = (0, $k7QOs$clamp)(arrowPositionOverlappingChild, arrowMinPosition, arrowMaxPosition);\n return {\n position: position,\n maxHeight: maxHeight,\n arrowOffsetLeft: arrowPosition.left,\n arrowOffsetTop: arrowPosition.top,\n placement: placementInfo.placement\n };\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$export$b3ceb0cbf1056d98(opts) {\n let { placement: placement, targetNode: targetNode, overlayNode: overlayNode, scrollNode: scrollNode, padding: padding, shouldFlip: shouldFlip, boundaryElement: boundaryElement, offset: offset, crossOffset: crossOffset, maxHeight: maxHeight, arrowSize: arrowSize = 0, arrowBoundaryOffset: arrowBoundaryOffset = 0 } = opts;\n let container = overlayNode instanceof HTMLElement ? $edcf132a9284368a$var$getContainingBlock(overlayNode) : document.documentElement;\n let isViewportContainer = container === document.documentElement;\n const containerPositionStyle = window.getComputedStyle(container).position;\n let isContainerPositioned = !!containerPositionStyle && containerPositionStyle !== \"static\";\n let childOffset = isViewportContainer ? $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(targetNode) : $edcf132a9284368a$var$getPosition(targetNode, container);\n if (!isViewportContainer) {\n let { marginTop: marginTop, marginLeft: marginLeft } = window.getComputedStyle(targetNode);\n childOffset.top += parseInt(marginTop, 10) || 0;\n childOffset.left += parseInt(marginLeft, 10) || 0;\n }\n let overlaySize = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(overlayNode);\n let margins = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getMargins(overlayNode);\n overlaySize.width += margins.left + margins.right;\n overlaySize.height += margins.top + margins.bottom;\n let scrollSize = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getScroll(scrollNode);\n let boundaryDimensions = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getContainerDimensions(boundaryElement);\n let containerDimensions = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getContainerDimensions(container);\n // If the container is the HTML element wrapping the body element, the retrieved scrollTop/scrollLeft will be equal to the\n // body element's scroll. Set the container's scroll values to 0 since the overlay's edge position value in getDelta don't then need to be further offset\n // by the container scroll since they are essentially the same containing element and thus in the same coordinate system\n let containerOffsetWithBoundary = boundaryElement.tagName === \"BODY\" ? $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(container) : $edcf132a9284368a$var$getPosition(container, boundaryElement);\n if (container.tagName === \"HTML\" && boundaryElement.tagName === \"BODY\") {\n containerDimensions.scroll.top = 0;\n containerDimensions.scroll.left = 0;\n }\n return $edcf132a9284368a$export$6839422d1f33cee9(placement, childOffset, overlaySize, scrollSize, margins, padding, shouldFlip, boundaryDimensions, containerDimensions, containerOffsetWithBoundary, offset, crossOffset, isContainerPositioned, maxHeight, arrowSize, arrowBoundaryOffset);\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(node) {\n let { top: top, left: left, width: width, height: height } = node.getBoundingClientRect();\n let { scrollTop: scrollTop, scrollLeft: scrollLeft, clientTop: clientTop, clientLeft: clientLeft } = document.documentElement;\n return {\n top: top + scrollTop - clientTop,\n left: left + scrollLeft - clientLeft,\n width: width,\n height: height\n };\n}\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getPosition(node, parent) {\n let style = window.getComputedStyle(node);\n let offset;\n if (style.position === \"fixed\") {\n let { top: top, left: left, width: width, height: height } = node.getBoundingClientRect();\n offset = {\n top: top,\n left: left,\n width: width,\n height: height\n };\n } else {\n offset = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(node);\n let parentOffset = $edcf132a9284368a$var$getOffset(parent);\n let parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(parent);\n parentOffset.top += (parseInt(parentStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0) - parent.scrollTop;\n parentOffset.left += (parseInt(parentStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0) - parent.scrollLeft;\n offset.top -= parentOffset.top;\n offset.left -= parentOffset.left;\n }\n offset.top -= parseInt(style.marginTop, 10) || 0;\n offset.left -= parseInt(style.marginLeft, 10) || 0;\n return offset;\n}\n// Returns the containing block of an element, which is the element that\n// this element will be positioned relative to.\n// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$getContainingBlock(node) {\n // The offsetParent of an element in most cases equals the containing block.\n // https://w3c.github.io/csswg-drafts/cssom-view/#dom-htmlelement-offsetparent\n let offsetParent = node.offsetParent;\n // The offsetParent algorithm terminates at the document body,\n // even if the body is not a containing block. Double check that\n // and use the documentElement if so.\n if (offsetParent && offsetParent === document.body && window.getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === \"static\" && !$edcf132a9284368a$var$isContainingBlock(offsetParent)) offsetParent = document.documentElement;\n // TODO(later): handle table elements?\n // The offsetParent can be null if the element has position: fixed, or a few other cases.\n // We have to walk up the tree manually in this case because fixed positioned elements\n // are still positioned relative to their containing block, which is not always the viewport.\n if (offsetParent == null) {\n offsetParent = node.parentElement;\n while(offsetParent && !$edcf132a9284368a$var$isContainingBlock(offsetParent))offsetParent = offsetParent.parentElement;\n }\n // Fall back to the viewport.\n return offsetParent || document.documentElement;\n}\n// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block#identifying_the_containing_block\nfunction $edcf132a9284368a$var$isContainingBlock(node) {\n let style = window.getComputedStyle(node);\n return style.transform !== \"none\" || /transform|perspective/.test(style.willChange) || style.filter !== \"none\" || style.contain === \"paint\" || // @ts-ignore\n \"backdropFilter\" in style && style.backdropFilter !== \"none\" || // @ts-ignore\n \"WebkitBackdropFilter\" in style && style.WebkitBackdropFilter !== \"none\";\n}\n\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \nconst $dd149f63282afbbf$export$f6211563215e3b37 = new WeakMap();\nfunction $dd149f63282afbbf$export$18fc8428861184da(opts) {\n let { triggerRef: triggerRef, isOpen: isOpen, onClose: onClose } = opts;\n (0, $k7QOs$useEffect)(()=>{\n if (!isOpen || onClose === null) return;\n let onScroll = (e)=>{\n // Ignore if scrolling an scrollable region outside the trigger's tree.\n let target = e.target;\n // window is not a Node and doesn't have contain, but window contains everything\n if (!triggerRef.current || target instanceof Node && !target.contains(triggerRef.current)) return;\n let onCloseHandler = onClose || $dd149f63282afbbf$export$f6211563215e3b37.get(triggerRef.current);\n if (onCloseHandler) onCloseHandler();\n };\n window.addEventListener(\"scroll\", onScroll, true);\n return ()=>{\n window.removeEventListener(\"scroll\", onScroll, true);\n };\n }, [\n isOpen,\n onClose,\n triggerRef\n ]);\n}\n\n\n\n\n// @ts-ignore\nlet $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport = typeof document !== \"undefined\" && window.visualViewport;\nfunction $2a41e45df1593e64$export$d39e1813b3bdd0e1(props) {\n let { direction: direction } = (0, $k7QOs$useLocale)();\n let { arrowSize: arrowSize = 0, targetRef: targetRef, overlayRef: overlayRef, scrollRef: scrollRef = overlayRef, placement: placement = \"bottom\", containerPadding: containerPadding = 12, shouldFlip: shouldFlip = true, boundaryElement: boundaryElement = typeof document !== \"undefined\" ? document.body : null, offset: offset = 0, crossOffset: crossOffset = 0, shouldUpdatePosition: shouldUpdatePosition = true, isOpen: isOpen = true, onClose: onClose, maxHeight: maxHeight, arrowBoundaryOffset: arrowBoundaryOffset = 0 } = props;\n let [position, setPosition] = (0, $k7QOs$useState)({\n position: {},\n arrowOffsetLeft: undefined,\n arrowOffsetTop: undefined,\n maxHeight: undefined,\n placement: undefined\n });\n let deps = [\n shouldUpdatePosition,\n placement,\n overlayRef.current,\n targetRef.current,\n scrollRef.current,\n containerPadding,\n shouldFlip,\n boundaryElement,\n offset,\n crossOffset,\n isOpen,\n direction,\n maxHeight,\n arrowBoundaryOffset,\n arrowSize\n ];\n // Note, the position freezing breaks if body sizes itself dynamicly with the visual viewport but that might\n // just be a non-realistic use case\n // Upon opening a overlay, record the current visual viewport scale so we can freeze the overlay styles\n let lastScale = (0, $k7QOs$useRef)($2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.scale);\n (0, $k7QOs$useEffect)(()=>{\n if (isOpen) lastScale.current = $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.scale;\n }, [\n isOpen\n ]);\n let updatePosition = (0, $k7QOs$useCallback)(()=>{\n if (shouldUpdatePosition === false || !isOpen || !overlayRef.current || !targetRef.current || !scrollRef.current || !boundaryElement) return;\n if (($2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.scale) !== lastScale.current) return;\n // Always reset the overlay's previous max height if not defined by the user so that we can compensate for\n // RAC collections populating after a second render and properly set a correct max height + positioning when it populates.\n if (!maxHeight && overlayRef.current) overlayRef.current.style.maxHeight = \"none\";\n let position = (0, $edcf132a9284368a$export$b3ceb0cbf1056d98)({\n placement: $2a41e45df1593e64$var$translateRTL(placement, direction),\n overlayNode: overlayRef.current,\n targetNode: targetRef.current,\n scrollNode: scrollRef.current,\n padding: containerPadding,\n shouldFlip: shouldFlip,\n boundaryElement: boundaryElement,\n offset: offset,\n crossOffset: crossOffset,\n maxHeight: maxHeight,\n arrowSize: arrowSize,\n arrowBoundaryOffset: arrowBoundaryOffset\n });\n // Modify overlay styles directly so positioning happens immediately without the need of a second render\n // This is so we don't have to delay autoFocus scrolling or delay applying preventScroll for popovers\n Object.keys(position.position).forEach((key)=>overlayRef.current.style[key] = position.position[key] + \"px\");\n overlayRef.current.style.maxHeight = position.maxHeight != null ? position.maxHeight + \"px\" : undefined;\n // Trigger a set state for a second render anyway for arrow positioning\n setPosition(position);\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n }, deps);\n // Update position when anything changes\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps\n (0, $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect)(updatePosition, deps);\n // Update position on window resize\n $2a41e45df1593e64$var$useResize(updatePosition);\n // Update position when the overlay changes size (might need to flip).\n (0, $k7QOs$useResizeObserver)({\n ref: overlayRef,\n onResize: updatePosition\n });\n // Reposition the overlay and do not close on scroll while the visual viewport is resizing.\n // This will ensure that overlays adjust their positioning when the iOS virtual keyboard appears.\n let isResizing = (0, $k7QOs$useRef)(false);\n (0, $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect)(()=>{\n let timeout;\n let onResize = ()=>{\n isResizing.current = true;\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(()=>{\n isResizing.current = false;\n }, 500);\n updatePosition();\n };\n // Only reposition the overlay if a scroll event happens immediately as a result of resize (aka the virtual keyboard has appears)\n // We don't want to reposition the overlay if the user has pinch zoomed in and is scrolling the viewport around.\n let onScroll = ()=>{\n if (isResizing.current) onResize();\n };\n $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.addEventListener(\"resize\", onResize);\n $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.addEventListener(\"scroll\", onScroll);\n return ()=>{\n $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.removeEventListener(\"resize\", onResize);\n $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === null || $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport === void 0 ? void 0 : $2a41e45df1593e64$var$visualViewport.removeEventListener(\"scroll\", onScroll);\n };\n }, [\n updatePosition\n ]);\n let close = (0, $k7QOs$useCallback)(()=>{\n if (!isResizing.current) onClose();\n }, [\n onClose,\n isResizing\n ]);\n // When scrolling a parent scrollable region of the trigger (other than the body),\n // we hide the popover. Otherwise, its position would be incorrect.\n (0, $dd149f63282afbbf$export$18fc8428861184da)({\n triggerRef: targetRef,\n isOpen: isOpen,\n onClose: onClose && close\n });\n return {\n overlayProps: {\n style: {\n position: \"absolute\",\n zIndex: 100000,\n ...position.position,\n maxHeight: position.maxHeight\n }\n },\n placement: position.placement,\n arrowProps: {\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\",\n role: \"presentation\",\n style: {\n left: position.arrowOffsetLeft,\n top: position.arrowOffsetTop\n }\n },\n updatePosition: updatePosition\n };\n}\nfunction $2a41e45df1593e64$var$useResize(onResize) {\n (0, $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect)(()=>{\n window.addEventListener(\"resize\", onResize, false);\n return ()=>{\n window.removeEventListener(\"resize\", onResize, false);\n };\n }, [\n onResize\n ]);\n}\nfunction $2a41e45df1593e64$var$translateRTL(position, direction) {\n if (direction === \"rtl\") return position.replace(\"start\", \"right\").replace(\"end\", \"left\");\n return position.replace(\"start\", \"left\").replace(\"end\", \"right\");\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\nconst $a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays = [];\nfunction $a11501f3d1d39e6c$export$ea8f71083e90600f(props, ref) {\n let { onClose: onClose, shouldCloseOnBlur: shouldCloseOnBlur, isOpen: isOpen, isDismissable: isDismissable = false, isKeyboardDismissDisabled: isKeyboardDismissDisabled = false, shouldCloseOnInteractOutside: shouldCloseOnInteractOutside } = props;\n // Add the overlay ref to the stack of visible overlays on mount, and remove on unmount.\n (0, $k7QOs$useEffect)(()=>{\n if (isOpen) $a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays.push(ref);\n return ()=>{\n let index = $a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays.indexOf(ref);\n if (index >= 0) $a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays.splice(index, 1);\n };\n }, [\n isOpen,\n ref\n ]);\n // Only hide the overlay when it is the topmost visible overlay in the stack\n let onHide = ()=>{\n if ($a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays[$a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays.length - 1] === ref && onClose) onClose();\n };\n let onInteractOutsideStart = (e)=>{\n if (!shouldCloseOnInteractOutside || shouldCloseOnInteractOutside(e.target)) {\n if ($a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays[$a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays.length - 1] === ref) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n }\n };\n let onInteractOutside = (e)=>{\n if (!shouldCloseOnInteractOutside || shouldCloseOnInteractOutside(e.target)) {\n if ($a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays[$a11501f3d1d39e6c$var$visibleOverlays.length - 1] === ref) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n onHide();\n }\n };\n // Handle the escape key\n let onKeyDown = (e)=>{\n if (e.key === \"Escape\" && !isKeyboardDismissDisabled) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.preventDefault();\n onHide();\n }\n };\n // Handle clicking outside the overlay to close it\n (0, $k7QOs$useInteractOutside)({\n ref: ref,\n onInteractOutside: isDismissable && isOpen ? onInteractOutside : null,\n onInteractOutsideStart: onInteractOutsideStart\n });\n let { focusWithinProps: focusWithinProps } = (0, $k7QOs$useFocusWithin)({\n isDisabled: !shouldCloseOnBlur,\n onBlurWithin: (e)=>{\n // Do not close if relatedTarget is null, which means focus is lost to the body.\n // That can happen when switching tabs, or due to a VoiceOver/Chrome bug with Control+Option+Arrow navigation.\n // Clicking on the body to close the overlay should already be handled by useInteractOutside.\n // https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/issues/4130\n // https://github.com/adobe/react-spectrum/issues/4922\n //\n // If focus is moving into a child focus scope (e.g. menu inside a dialog),\n // do not close the outer overlay. At this point, the active scope should\n // still be the outer overlay, since blur events run before focus.\n if (!e.relatedTarget || (0, $k7QOs$isElementInChildOfActiveScope)(e.relatedTarget)) return;\n if (!shouldCloseOnInteractOutside || shouldCloseOnInteractOutside(e.relatedTarget)) onClose();\n }\n });\n let onPointerDownUnderlay = (e)=>{\n // fixes a firefox issue that starts text selection https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1675846\n if (e.target === e.currentTarget) e.preventDefault();\n };\n return {\n overlayProps: {\n onKeyDown: onKeyDown,\n ...focusWithinProps\n },\n underlayProps: {\n onPointerDown: onPointerDownUnderlay\n }\n };\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\nfunction $628037886ba31236$export$f9d5c8beee7d008d(props, state, ref) {\n let { type: type } = props;\n let { isOpen: isOpen } = state;\n // Backward compatibility. Share state close function with useOverlayPosition so it can close on scroll\n // without forcing users to pass onClose.\n (0, $k7QOs$useEffect)(()=>{\n if (ref && ref.current) (0, $dd149f63282afbbf$export$f6211563215e3b37).set(ref.current, state.close);\n });\n // Aria 1.1 supports multiple values for aria-haspopup other than just menus.\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-haspopup\n // However, we only add it for menus for now because screen readers often\n // announce it as a menu even for other values.\n let ariaHasPopup = undefined;\n if (type === \"menu\") ariaHasPopup = true;\n else if (type === \"listbox\") ariaHasPopup = \"listbox\";\n let overlayId = (0, $k7QOs$useId)();\n return {\n triggerProps: {\n \"aria-haspopup\": ariaHasPopup,\n \"aria-expanded\": isOpen,\n \"aria-controls\": isOpen ? overlayId : null,\n onPress: state.toggle\n },\n overlayProps: {\n id: overlayId\n }\n };\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n// @ts-ignore\nconst $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$visualViewport = typeof document !== \"undefined\" && window.visualViewport;\n// HTML input types that do not cause the software keyboard to appear.\nconst $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$nonTextInputTypes = new Set([\n \"checkbox\",\n \"radio\",\n \"range\",\n \"color\",\n \"file\",\n \"image\",\n \"button\",\n \"submit\",\n \"reset\"\n]);\n// The number of active usePreventScroll calls. Used to determine whether to revert back to the original page style/scroll position\nlet $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollCount = 0;\nlet $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$restore;\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$export$ee0f7cc6afcd1c18(options = {}) {\n let { isDisabled: isDisabled } = options;\n (0, $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect)(()=>{\n if (isDisabled) return;\n $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollCount++;\n if ($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollCount === 1) {\n if ((0, $k7QOs$isIOS)()) $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$restore = $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollMobileSafari();\n else $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$restore = $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollStandard();\n }\n return ()=>{\n $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollCount--;\n if ($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollCount === 0) $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$restore();\n };\n }, [\n isDisabled\n ]);\n}\n// For most browsers, all we need to do is set `overflow: hidden` on the root element, and\n// add some padding to prevent the page from shifting when the scrollbar is hidden.\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollStandard() {\n return (0, $k7QOs$chain)($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(document.documentElement, \"paddingRight\", `${window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth}px`), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(document.documentElement, \"overflow\", \"hidden\"));\n}\n// Mobile Safari is a whole different beast. Even with overflow: hidden,\n// it still scrolls the page in many situations:\n//\n// 1. When the bottom toolbar and address bar are collapsed, page scrolling is always allowed.\n// 2. When the keyboard is visible, the viewport does not resize. Instead, the keyboard covers part of\n// it, so it becomes scrollable.\n// 3. When tapping on an input, the page always scrolls so that the input is centered in the visual viewport.\n// This may cause even fixed position elements to scroll off the screen.\n// 4. When using the next/previous buttons in the keyboard to navigate between inputs, the whole page always\n// scrolls, even if the input is inside a nested scrollable element that could be scrolled instead.\n//\n// In order to work around these cases, and prevent scrolling without jankiness, we do a few things:\n//\n// 1. Prevent default on `touchmove` events that are not in a scrollable element. This prevents touch scrolling\n// on the window.\n// 2. Set `overscroll-behavior: contain` on nested scrollable regions so they do not scroll the page when at\n// the top or bottom. Work around a bug where this does not work when the element does not actually overflow\n// by preventing default in a `touchmove` event.\n// 3. Prevent default on `touchend` events on input elements and handle focusing the element ourselves.\n// 4. When focusing an input, apply a transform to trick Safari into thinking the input is at the top\n// of the page, which prevents it from scrolling the page. After the input is focused, scroll the element\n// into view ourselves, without scrolling the whole page.\n// 5. Offset the body by the scroll position using a negative margin and scroll to the top. This should appear the\n// same visually, but makes the actual scroll position always zero. This is required to make all of the\n// above work or Safari will still try to scroll the page when focusing an input.\n// 6. As a last resort, handle window scroll events, and scroll back to the top. This can happen when attempting\n// to navigate to an input with the next/previous buttons that's outside a modal.\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$preventScrollMobileSafari() {\n let scrollable;\n let restoreScrollableStyles;\n let onTouchStart = (e)=>{\n // Store the nearest scrollable parent element from the element that the user touched.\n scrollable = (0, $k7QOs$getScrollParent)(e.target, true);\n if (scrollable === document.documentElement && scrollable === document.body) return;\n // Prevent scrolling up when at the top and scrolling down when at the bottom\n // of a nested scrollable area, otherwise mobile Safari will start scrolling\n // the window instead.\n if (scrollable instanceof HTMLElement && window.getComputedStyle(scrollable).overscrollBehavior === \"auto\") restoreScrollableStyles = $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(scrollable, \"overscrollBehavior\", \"contain\");\n };\n let onTouchMove = (e)=>{\n // Prevent scrolling the window.\n if (!scrollable || scrollable === document.documentElement || scrollable === document.body) {\n e.preventDefault();\n return;\n }\n // overscroll-behavior should prevent scroll chaining, but currently does not\n // if the element doesn't actually overflow. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=243452\n // This checks that both the width and height do not overflow, otherwise we might\n // block horizontal scrolling too. In that case, adding `touch-action: pan-x` to\n // the element will prevent vertical page scrolling. We can't add that automatically\n // because it must be set before the touchstart event.\n if (scrollable.scrollHeight === scrollable.clientHeight && scrollable.scrollWidth === scrollable.clientWidth) e.preventDefault();\n };\n let onTouchEnd = (e)=>{\n let target = e.target;\n // Apply this change if we're not already focused on the target element\n if ($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$willOpenKeyboard(target) && target !== document.activeElement) {\n e.preventDefault();\n setupStyles();\n // Apply a transform to trick Safari into thinking the input is at the top of the page\n // so it doesn't try to scroll it into view. When tapping on an input, this needs to\n // be done before the \"focus\" event, so we have to focus the element ourselves.\n target.style.transform = \"translateY(-2000px)\";\n target.focus();\n requestAnimationFrame(()=>{\n target.style.transform = \"\";\n });\n }\n if (restoreScrollableStyles) restoreScrollableStyles();\n };\n let onFocus = (e)=>{\n let target = e.target;\n if ($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$willOpenKeyboard(target)) {\n setupStyles();\n // Transform also needs to be applied in the focus event in cases where focus moves\n // other than tapping on an input directly, e.g. the next/previous buttons in the\n // software keyboard. In these cases, it seems applying the transform in the focus event\n // is good enough, whereas when tapping an input, it must be done before the focus event. 🤷‍♂️\n target.style.transform = \"translateY(-2000px)\";\n requestAnimationFrame(()=>{\n target.style.transform = \"\";\n // This will have prevented the browser from scrolling the focused element into view,\n // so we need to do this ourselves in a way that doesn't cause the whole page to scroll.\n if ($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$visualViewport) {\n if ($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$visualViewport.height < window.innerHeight) // If the keyboard is already visible, do this after one additional frame\n // to wait for the transform to be removed.\n requestAnimationFrame(()=>{\n $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$scrollIntoView(target);\n });\n else // Otherwise, wait for the visual viewport to resize before scrolling so we can\n // measure the correct position to scroll to.\n $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$visualViewport.addEventListener(\"resize\", ()=>$49c51c25361d4cd2$var$scrollIntoView(target), {\n once: true\n });\n }\n });\n }\n };\n let restoreStyles = null;\n let setupStyles = ()=>{\n if (restoreStyles) return;\n let onWindowScroll = ()=>{\n // Last resort. If the window scrolled, scroll it back to the top.\n // It should always be at the top because the body will have a negative margin (see below).\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n };\n // Record the original scroll position so we can restore it.\n // Then apply a negative margin to the body to offset it by the scroll position. This will\n // enable us to scroll the window to the top, which is required for the rest of this to work.\n let scrollX = window.pageXOffset;\n let scrollY = window.pageYOffset;\n restoreStyles = (0, $k7QOs$chain)($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$addEvent(window, \"scroll\", onWindowScroll), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(document.documentElement, \"paddingRight\", `${window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth}px`), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(document.documentElement, \"overflow\", \"hidden\"), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(document.body, \"marginTop\", `-${scrollY}px`), ()=>{\n window.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);\n });\n // Scroll to the top. The negative margin on the body will make this appear the same.\n window.scrollTo(0, 0);\n };\n let removeEvents = (0, $k7QOs$chain)($49c51c25361d4cd2$var$addEvent(document, \"touchstart\", onTouchStart, {\n passive: false,\n capture: true\n }), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$addEvent(document, \"touchmove\", onTouchMove, {\n passive: false,\n capture: true\n }), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$addEvent(document, \"touchend\", onTouchEnd, {\n passive: false,\n capture: true\n }), $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$addEvent(document, \"focus\", onFocus, true));\n return ()=>{\n // Restore styles and scroll the page back to where it was.\n restoreScrollableStyles === null || restoreScrollableStyles === void 0 ? void 0 : restoreScrollableStyles();\n restoreStyles === null || restoreStyles === void 0 ? void 0 : restoreStyles();\n removeEvents();\n };\n}\n// Sets a CSS property on an element, and returns a function to revert it to the previous value.\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$setStyle(element, style, value) {\n let cur = element.style[style];\n element.style[style] = value;\n return ()=>{\n element.style[style] = cur;\n };\n}\n// Adds an event listener to an element, and returns a function to remove it.\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$addEvent(target, event, handler, options) {\n target.addEventListener(event, handler, options);\n return ()=>{\n target.removeEventListener(event, handler, options);\n };\n}\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$scrollIntoView(target) {\n let root = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement;\n while(target && target !== root){\n // Find the parent scrollable element and adjust the scroll position if the target is not already in view.\n let scrollable = (0, $k7QOs$getScrollParent)(target);\n if (scrollable !== document.documentElement && scrollable !== document.body && scrollable !== target) {\n let scrollableTop = scrollable.getBoundingClientRect().top;\n let targetTop = target.getBoundingClientRect().top;\n if (targetTop > scrollableTop + target.clientHeight) scrollable.scrollTop += targetTop - scrollableTop;\n }\n target = scrollable.parentElement;\n }\n}\nfunction $49c51c25361d4cd2$var$willOpenKeyboard(target) {\n return target instanceof HTMLInputElement && !$49c51c25361d4cd2$var$nonTextInputTypes.has(target.type) || target instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || target instanceof HTMLElement && target.isContentEditable;\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\nconst $f57aed4a881a3485$var$Context = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createContext(null);\nfunction $f57aed4a881a3485$export$178405afcd8c5eb(props) {\n let { children: children } = props;\n let parent = (0, $k7QOs$useContext)($f57aed4a881a3485$var$Context);\n let [modalCount, setModalCount] = (0, $k7QOs$useState)(0);\n let context = (0, $k7QOs$useMemo)(()=>({\n parent: parent,\n modalCount: modalCount,\n addModal () {\n setModalCount((count)=>count + 1);\n if (parent) parent.addModal();\n },\n removeModal () {\n setModalCount((count)=>count - 1);\n if (parent) parent.removeModal();\n }\n }), [\n parent,\n modalCount\n ]);\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement($f57aed4a881a3485$var$Context.Provider, {\n value: context\n }, children);\n}\nfunction $f57aed4a881a3485$export$d9aaed4c3ece1bc0() {\n let context = (0, $k7QOs$useContext)($f57aed4a881a3485$var$Context);\n return {\n modalProviderProps: {\n \"aria-hidden\": context && context.modalCount > 0 ? true : null\n }\n };\n}\n/**\n * Creates a root node that will be aria-hidden if there are other modals open.\n */ function $f57aed4a881a3485$var$OverlayContainerDOM(props) {\n let { modalProviderProps: modalProviderProps } = $f57aed4a881a3485$export$d9aaed4c3ece1bc0();\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement(\"div\", {\n \"data-overlay-container\": true,\n ...props,\n ...modalProviderProps\n });\n}\nfunction $f57aed4a881a3485$export$bf688221f59024e5(props) {\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement($f57aed4a881a3485$export$178405afcd8c5eb, null, /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement($f57aed4a881a3485$var$OverlayContainerDOM, props));\n}\nfunction $f57aed4a881a3485$export$b47c3594eab58386(props) {\n let isSSR = (0, $k7QOs$useIsSSR)();\n let { portalContainer: portalContainer = isSSR ? null : document.body, ...rest } = props;\n (0, $k7QOs$react).useEffect(()=>{\n if (portalContainer === null || portalContainer === void 0 ? void 0 : portalContainer.closest(\"[data-overlay-container]\")) throw new Error(\"An OverlayContainer must not be inside another container. Please change the portalContainer prop.\");\n }, [\n portalContainer\n ]);\n if (!portalContainer) return null;\n let contents = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement($f57aed4a881a3485$export$bf688221f59024e5, rest);\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$reactdom).createPortal(contents, portalContainer);\n}\nfunction $f57aed4a881a3485$export$33ffd74ebf07f060(options) {\n // Add aria-hidden to all parent providers on mount, and restore on unmount.\n let context = (0, $k7QOs$useContext)($f57aed4a881a3485$var$Context);\n if (!context) throw new Error(\"Modal is not contained within a provider\");\n (0, $k7QOs$useEffect)(()=>{\n if ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.isDisabled) || !context || !context.parent) return;\n // The immediate context is from the provider containing this modal, so we only\n // want to trigger aria-hidden on its parents not on the modal provider itself.\n context.parent.addModal();\n return ()=>{\n if (context && context.parent) context.parent.removeModal();\n };\n }, [\n context,\n context.parent,\n options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.isDisabled\n ]);\n return {\n modalProps: {\n \"data-ismodal\": !(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.isDisabled)\n }\n };\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ var $a2f21f5f14f60553$exports = {};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n$a2f21f5f14f60553$exports = {\n \"ar-AE\": $773d5888b972f1cf$exports,\n \"bg-BG\": $d11f19852b941573$exports,\n \"cs-CZ\": $b983974c2ee1efb3$exports,\n \"da-DK\": $5809cc9d4e92de73$exports,\n \"de-DE\": $c68c2e4fc74398d1$exports,\n \"el-GR\": $0898b4c153db2b77$exports,\n \"en-US\": $6d74810286a15183$exports,\n \"es-ES\": $309d73dc65f78055$exports,\n \"et-EE\": $44ad94f7205cf593$exports,\n \"fi-FI\": $7c28f5687f0779a9$exports,\n \"fr-FR\": $e6d75df4b68bd73a$exports,\n \"he-IL\": $87505c9dab186d0f$exports,\n \"hr-HR\": $553439c3ffb3e492$exports,\n \"hu-HU\": $74cf411061b983a2$exports,\n \"it-IT\": $e933f298574dc435$exports,\n \"ja-JP\": $ac91fc9fe02f71f6$exports,\n \"ko-KR\": $52b96f86422025af$exports,\n \"lt-LT\": $c0d724c3e51dafa6$exports,\n \"lv-LV\": $c92899672a3fe72e$exports,\n \"nb-NO\": $9f576b39d8e7a9d6$exports,\n \"nl-NL\": $9d025808aeec81a7$exports,\n \"pl-PL\": $fce709921e2c0fa6$exports,\n \"pt-BR\": $2599cf0c4ab37f59$exports,\n \"pt-PT\": $3c220ae7ef8a35fd$exports,\n \"ro-RO\": $93562b5094072f54$exports,\n \"ru-RU\": $cd9e2abd0d06c7b4$exports,\n \"sk-SK\": $45375701f409adf1$exports,\n \"sl-SI\": $27fab53a576de9dd$exports,\n \"sr-SP\": $4438748d9952e7c7$exports,\n \"sv-SE\": $0936d7347ef4da4c$exports,\n \"tr-TR\": $29700c92185d38f8$exports,\n \"uk-UA\": $662ccaf2be4c25b3$exports,\n \"zh-CN\": $d80a27deda7cdb3c$exports,\n \"zh-TW\": $2b2734393847c884$exports\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\nfunction $86ea4cb521eb2e37$export$2317d149ed6f78c4(props) {\n let { onDismiss: onDismiss, ...otherProps } = props;\n let stringFormatter = (0, $k7QOs$useLocalizedStringFormatter)((0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($a2f21f5f14f60553$exports))), \"@react-aria/overlays\");\n let labels = (0, $k7QOs$useLabels)(otherProps, stringFormatter.format(\"dismiss\"));\n let onClick = ()=>{\n if (onDismiss) onDismiss();\n };\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement((0, $k7QOs$VisuallyHidden), null, /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement(\"button\", {\n ...labels,\n tabIndex: -1,\n onClick: onClick,\n style: {\n width: 1,\n height: 1\n }\n }));\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ // Keeps a ref count of all hidden elements. Added to when hiding an element, and\n// subtracted from when showing it again. When it reaches zero, aria-hidden is removed.\nlet $5e3802645cc19319$var$refCountMap = new WeakMap();\nlet $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack = [];\nfunction $5e3802645cc19319$export$1c3ebcada18427bf(targets, root = document.body) {\n let visibleNodes = new Set(targets);\n let hiddenNodes = new Set();\n let walk = (root)=>{\n // Keep live announcer and top layer elements (e.g. toasts) visible.\n for (let element of root.querySelectorAll(\"[data-live-announcer], [data-react-aria-top-layer]\"))visibleNodes.add(element);\n let acceptNode = (node)=>{\n // Skip this node and its children if it is one of the target nodes, or a live announcer.\n // Also skip children of already hidden nodes, as aria-hidden is recursive. An exception is\n // made for elements with role=\"row\" since VoiceOver on iOS has issues hiding elements with role=\"row\".\n // For that case we want to hide the cells inside as well (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=222623).\n if (visibleNodes.has(node) || hiddenNodes.has(node.parentElement) && node.parentElement.getAttribute(\"role\") !== \"row\") return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;\n // Skip this node but continue to children if one of the targets is inside the node.\n for (let target of visibleNodes){\n if (node.contains(target)) return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;\n }\n return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;\n };\n let walker = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {\n acceptNode: acceptNode\n });\n // TreeWalker does not include the root.\n let acceptRoot = acceptNode(root);\n if (acceptRoot === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) hide(root);\n if (acceptRoot !== NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT) {\n let node = walker.nextNode();\n while(node != null){\n hide(node);\n node = walker.nextNode();\n }\n }\n };\n let hide = (node)=>{\n var _refCountMap_get;\n let refCount = (_refCountMap_get = $5e3802645cc19319$var$refCountMap.get(node)) !== null && _refCountMap_get !== void 0 ? _refCountMap_get : 0;\n // If already aria-hidden, and the ref count is zero, then this element\n // was already hidden and there's nothing for us to do.\n if (node.getAttribute(\"aria-hidden\") === \"true\" && refCount === 0) return;\n if (refCount === 0) node.setAttribute(\"aria-hidden\", \"true\");\n hiddenNodes.add(node);\n $5e3802645cc19319$var$refCountMap.set(node, refCount + 1);\n };\n // If there is already a MutationObserver listening from a previous call,\n // disconnect it so the new on takes over.\n if ($5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.length) $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack[$5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.length - 1].disconnect();\n walk(root);\n let observer = new MutationObserver((changes)=>{\n for (let change of changes){\n if (change.type !== \"childList\" || change.addedNodes.length === 0) continue;\n // If the parent element of the added nodes is not within one of the targets,\n // and not already inside a hidden node, hide all of the new children.\n if (![\n ...visibleNodes,\n ...hiddenNodes\n ].some((node)=>node.contains(change.target))) {\n for (let node of change.removedNodes)if (node instanceof Element) {\n visibleNodes.delete(node);\n hiddenNodes.delete(node);\n }\n for (let node of change.addedNodes){\n if ((node instanceof HTMLElement || node instanceof SVGElement) && (node.dataset.liveAnnouncer === \"true\" || node.dataset.reactAriaTopLayer === \"true\")) visibleNodes.add(node);\n else if (node instanceof Element) walk(node);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n observer.observe(root, {\n childList: true,\n subtree: true\n });\n let observerWrapper = {\n observe () {\n observer.observe(root, {\n childList: true,\n subtree: true\n });\n },\n disconnect () {\n observer.disconnect();\n }\n };\n $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.push(observerWrapper);\n return ()=>{\n observer.disconnect();\n for (let node of hiddenNodes){\n let count = $5e3802645cc19319$var$refCountMap.get(node);\n if (count === 1) {\n node.removeAttribute(\"aria-hidden\");\n $5e3802645cc19319$var$refCountMap.delete(node);\n } else $5e3802645cc19319$var$refCountMap.set(node, count - 1);\n }\n // Remove this observer from the stack, and start the previous one.\n if (observerWrapper === $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack[$5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.length - 1]) {\n $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.pop();\n if ($5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.length) $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack[$5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.length - 1].observe();\n } else $5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.splice($5e3802645cc19319$var$observerStack.indexOf(observerWrapper), 1);\n };\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2022 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\n\n\nfunction $f2f8a6077418541e$export$542a6fd13ac93354(props, state) {\n let { triggerRef: triggerRef, popoverRef: popoverRef, isNonModal: isNonModal, isKeyboardDismissDisabled: isKeyboardDismissDisabled, shouldCloseOnInteractOutside: shouldCloseOnInteractOutside, ...otherProps } = props;\n let { overlayProps: overlayProps, underlayProps: underlayProps } = (0, $a11501f3d1d39e6c$export$ea8f71083e90600f)({\n isOpen: state.isOpen,\n onClose: state.close,\n shouldCloseOnBlur: true,\n isDismissable: !isNonModal,\n isKeyboardDismissDisabled: isKeyboardDismissDisabled,\n shouldCloseOnInteractOutside: shouldCloseOnInteractOutside\n }, popoverRef);\n let { overlayProps: positionProps, arrowProps: arrowProps, placement: placement } = (0, $2a41e45df1593e64$export$d39e1813b3bdd0e1)({\n ...otherProps,\n targetRef: triggerRef,\n overlayRef: popoverRef,\n isOpen: state.isOpen,\n onClose: isNonModal ? state.close : null\n });\n (0, $49c51c25361d4cd2$export$ee0f7cc6afcd1c18)({\n isDisabled: isNonModal || !state.isOpen\n });\n (0, $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect)(()=>{\n if (state.isOpen && !isNonModal && popoverRef.current) return (0, $5e3802645cc19319$export$1c3ebcada18427bf)([\n popoverRef.current\n ]);\n }, [\n isNonModal,\n state.isOpen,\n popoverRef\n ]);\n return {\n popoverProps: (0, $k7QOs$mergeProps)(overlayProps, positionProps),\n arrowProps: arrowProps,\n underlayProps: underlayProps,\n placement: placement\n };\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2022 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2022 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\n\n\n\nconst $337b884510726a0d$export$a2200b96afd16271 = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createContext(null);\nfunction $337b884510726a0d$export$c6fdb837b070b4ff(props) {\n let isSSR = (0, $k7QOs$useIsSSR)();\n let { portalContainer: portalContainer = isSSR ? null : document.body, isExiting: isExiting } = props;\n let [contain, setContain] = (0, $k7QOs$useState)(false);\n let contextValue = (0, $k7QOs$useMemo)(()=>({\n contain: contain,\n setContain: setContain\n }), [\n contain,\n setContain\n ]);\n if (!portalContainer) return null;\n let contents = props.children;\n if (!props.disableFocusManagement) contents = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement((0, $k7QOs$FocusScope), {\n restoreFocus: true,\n contain: contain && !isExiting\n }, contents);\n contents = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement($337b884510726a0d$export$a2200b96afd16271.Provider, {\n value: contextValue\n }, /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$react).createElement((0, $k7QOs$ClearPressResponder), null, contents));\n return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $k7QOs$reactdom).createPortal(contents, portalContainer);\n}\nfunction $337b884510726a0d$export$14c98a7594375490() {\n let ctx = (0, $k7QOs$useContext)($337b884510726a0d$export$a2200b96afd16271);\n let setContain = ctx === null || ctx === void 0 ? void 0 : ctx.setContain;\n (0, $k7QOs$useLayoutEffect)(()=>{\n setContain === null || setContain === void 0 ? void 0 : setContain(true);\n }, [\n setContain\n ]);\n}\n\n\n\nfunction $8ac8429251c45e4b$export$dbc0f175b25fb0fb(props, state, ref) {\n let { overlayProps: overlayProps, underlayProps: underlayProps } = (0, $a11501f3d1d39e6c$export$ea8f71083e90600f)({\n ...props,\n isOpen: state.isOpen,\n onClose: state.close\n }, ref);\n (0, $49c51c25361d4cd2$export$ee0f7cc6afcd1c18)({\n isDisabled: !state.isOpen\n });\n (0, $337b884510726a0d$export$14c98a7594375490)();\n (0, $k7QOs$useEffect)(()=>{\n if (state.isOpen) return (0, $5e3802645cc19319$export$1c3ebcada18427bf)([\n ref.current\n ]);\n }, [\n state.isOpen,\n ref\n ]);\n return {\n modalProps: (0, $k7QOs$mergeProps)(overlayProps),\n underlayProps: underlayProps\n };\n}\n\n\n\n\n\nexport {$2a41e45df1593e64$export$d39e1813b3bdd0e1 as useOverlayPosition, $a11501f3d1d39e6c$export$ea8f71083e90600f as useOverlay, $628037886ba31236$export$f9d5c8beee7d008d as useOverlayTrigger, $49c51c25361d4cd2$export$ee0f7cc6afcd1c18 as usePreventScroll, $f57aed4a881a3485$export$178405afcd8c5eb as ModalProvider, $f57aed4a881a3485$export$d9aaed4c3ece1bc0 as useModalProvider, $f57aed4a881a3485$export$bf688221f59024e5 as OverlayProvider, $f57aed4a881a3485$export$b47c3594eab58386 as OverlayContainer, $f57aed4a881a3485$export$33ffd74ebf07f060 as useModal, $86ea4cb521eb2e37$export$2317d149ed6f78c4 as DismissButton, $5e3802645cc19319$export$1c3ebcada18427bf as ariaHideOutside, $f2f8a6077418541e$export$542a6fd13ac93354 as usePopover, $8ac8429251c45e4b$export$dbc0f175b25fb0fb as useModalOverlay, $337b884510726a0d$export$c6fdb837b070b4ff as Overlay, $337b884510726a0d$export$14c98a7594375490 as useOverlayFocusContain};\n//# sourceMappingURL=module.js.map\n","import {epochFromDate as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb, fromAbsolute as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac, toAbsolute as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c, toCalendar as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032, toCalendarDateTime as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484} from \"./conversion.mjs\";\nimport {GregorianCalendar as $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec} from \"./GregorianCalendar.mjs\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\nconst $735220c2d4774dd3$var$ONE_HOUR = 3600000;\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$e16d8520af44a096(date, duration) {\n let mutableDate = date.copy();\n let days = 'hour' in mutableDate ? $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addTimeFields(mutableDate, duration) : 0;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addYears(mutableDate, duration.years || 0);\n if (mutableDate.calendar.balanceYearMonth) mutableDate.calendar.balanceYearMonth(mutableDate, date);\n mutableDate.month += duration.months || 0;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceYearMonth(mutableDate);\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$constrainMonthDay(mutableDate);\n mutableDate.day += (duration.weeks || 0) * 7;\n mutableDate.day += duration.days || 0;\n mutableDate.day += days;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceDay(mutableDate);\n if (mutableDate.calendar.balanceDate) mutableDate.calendar.balanceDate(mutableDate);\n // Constrain in case adding ended up with a date outside the valid range for the calendar system.\n // The behavior here is slightly different than when constraining in the `set` function in that\n // we adjust smaller fields to their minimum/maximum values rather than constraining each field\n // individually. This matches the general behavior of `add` vs `set` regarding how fields are balanced.\n if (mutableDate.year < 1) {\n mutableDate.year = 1;\n mutableDate.month = 1;\n mutableDate.day = 1;\n }\n let maxYear = mutableDate.calendar.getYearsInEra(mutableDate);\n if (mutableDate.year > maxYear) {\n var _mutableDate_calendar_isInverseEra, _mutableDate_calendar;\n let isInverseEra = (_mutableDate_calendar_isInverseEra = (_mutableDate_calendar = mutableDate.calendar).isInverseEra) === null || _mutableDate_calendar_isInverseEra === void 0 ? void 0 : _mutableDate_calendar_isInverseEra.call(_mutableDate_calendar, mutableDate);\n mutableDate.year = maxYear;\n mutableDate.month = isInverseEra ? 1 : mutableDate.calendar.getMonthsInYear(mutableDate);\n mutableDate.day = isInverseEra ? 1 : mutableDate.calendar.getDaysInMonth(mutableDate);\n }\n if (mutableDate.month < 1) {\n mutableDate.month = 1;\n mutableDate.day = 1;\n }\n let maxMonth = mutableDate.calendar.getMonthsInYear(mutableDate);\n if (mutableDate.month > maxMonth) {\n mutableDate.month = maxMonth;\n mutableDate.day = mutableDate.calendar.getDaysInMonth(mutableDate);\n }\n mutableDate.day = Math.max(1, Math.min(mutableDate.calendar.getDaysInMonth(mutableDate), mutableDate.day));\n return mutableDate;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addYears(date, years) {\n var _date_calendar_isInverseEra, _date_calendar;\n if ((_date_calendar_isInverseEra = (_date_calendar = date.calendar).isInverseEra) === null || _date_calendar_isInverseEra === void 0 ? void 0 : _date_calendar_isInverseEra.call(_date_calendar, date)) years = -years;\n date.year += years;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceYearMonth(date) {\n while(date.month < 1){\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addYears(date, -1);\n date.month += date.calendar.getMonthsInYear(date);\n }\n let monthsInYear = 0;\n while(date.month > (monthsInYear = date.calendar.getMonthsInYear(date))){\n date.month -= monthsInYear;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addYears(date, 1);\n }\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceDay(date) {\n while(date.day < 1){\n date.month--;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceYearMonth(date);\n date.day += date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date);\n }\n while(date.day > date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date)){\n date.day -= date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date);\n date.month++;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceYearMonth(date);\n }\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$constrainMonthDay(date) {\n date.month = Math.max(1, Math.min(date.calendar.getMonthsInYear(date), date.month));\n date.day = Math.max(1, Math.min(date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date), date.day));\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2(date) {\n if (date.calendar.constrainDate) date.calendar.constrainDate(date);\n date.year = Math.max(1, Math.min(date.calendar.getYearsInEra(date), date.year));\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$constrainMonthDay(date);\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$3e2544e88a25bff8(duration) {\n let inverseDuration = {};\n for(let key in duration)if (typeof duration[key] === 'number') inverseDuration[key] = -duration[key];\n return inverseDuration;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$4e2d2ead65e5f7e3(date, duration) {\n return $735220c2d4774dd3$export$e16d8520af44a096(date, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$3e2544e88a25bff8(duration));\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$adaa4cf7ef1b65be(date, fields) {\n let mutableDate = date.copy();\n if (fields.era != null) mutableDate.era = fields.era;\n if (fields.year != null) mutableDate.year = fields.year;\n if (fields.month != null) mutableDate.month = fields.month;\n if (fields.day != null) mutableDate.day = fields.day;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2(mutableDate);\n return mutableDate;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$e5d5e1c1822b6e56(value, fields) {\n let mutableValue = value.copy();\n if (fields.hour != null) mutableValue.hour = fields.hour;\n if (fields.minute != null) mutableValue.minute = fields.minute;\n if (fields.second != null) mutableValue.second = fields.second;\n if (fields.millisecond != null) mutableValue.millisecond = fields.millisecond;\n $735220c2d4774dd3$export$7555de1e070510cb(mutableValue);\n return mutableValue;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceTime(time) {\n time.second += Math.floor(time.millisecond / 1000);\n time.millisecond = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$nonNegativeMod(time.millisecond, 1000);\n time.minute += Math.floor(time.second / 60);\n time.second = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$nonNegativeMod(time.second, 60);\n time.hour += Math.floor(time.minute / 60);\n time.minute = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$nonNegativeMod(time.minute, 60);\n let days = Math.floor(time.hour / 24);\n time.hour = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$nonNegativeMod(time.hour, 24);\n return days;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$7555de1e070510cb(time) {\n time.millisecond = Math.max(0, Math.min(time.millisecond, 1000));\n time.second = Math.max(0, Math.min(time.second, 59));\n time.minute = Math.max(0, Math.min(time.minute, 59));\n time.hour = Math.max(0, Math.min(time.hour, 23));\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$nonNegativeMod(a, b) {\n let result = a % b;\n if (result < 0) result += b;\n return result;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addTimeFields(time, duration) {\n time.hour += duration.hours || 0;\n time.minute += duration.minutes || 0;\n time.second += duration.seconds || 0;\n time.millisecond += duration.milliseconds || 0;\n return $735220c2d4774dd3$var$balanceTime(time);\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$7ed87b6bc2506470(time, duration) {\n let res = time.copy();\n $735220c2d4774dd3$var$addTimeFields(res, duration);\n return res;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$fe34d3a381cd7501(time, duration) {\n return $735220c2d4774dd3$export$7ed87b6bc2506470(time, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$3e2544e88a25bff8(duration));\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$d52ced6badfb9a4c(value, field, amount, options) {\n let mutable = value.copy();\n switch(field){\n case 'era':\n {\n let eras = value.calendar.getEras();\n let eraIndex = eras.indexOf(value.era);\n if (eraIndex < 0) throw new Error('Invalid era: ' + value.era);\n eraIndex = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(eraIndex, amount, 0, eras.length - 1, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n mutable.era = eras[eraIndex];\n // Constrain the year and other fields within the era, so the era doesn't change when we balance below.\n $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2(mutable);\n break;\n }\n case 'year':\n var _mutable_calendar_isInverseEra, _mutable_calendar;\n if ((_mutable_calendar_isInverseEra = (_mutable_calendar = mutable.calendar).isInverseEra) === null || _mutable_calendar_isInverseEra === void 0 ? void 0 : _mutable_calendar_isInverseEra.call(_mutable_calendar, mutable)) amount = -amount;\n // The year field should not cycle within the era as that can cause weird behavior affecting other fields.\n // We need to also allow values < 1 so that decrementing goes to the previous era. If we get -Infinity back\n // we know we wrapped around after reaching 9999 (the maximum), so set the year back to 1.\n mutable.year = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value.year, amount, -Infinity, 9999, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n if (mutable.year === -Infinity) mutable.year = 1;\n if (mutable.calendar.balanceYearMonth) mutable.calendar.balanceYearMonth(mutable, value);\n break;\n case 'month':\n mutable.month = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value.month, amount, 1, value.calendar.getMonthsInYear(value), options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n break;\n case 'day':\n mutable.day = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value.day, amount, 1, value.calendar.getDaysInMonth(value), options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error('Unsupported field ' + field);\n }\n if (value.calendar.balanceDate) value.calendar.balanceDate(mutable);\n $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2(mutable);\n return mutable;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$dd02b3e0007dfe28(value, field, amount, options) {\n let mutable = value.copy();\n switch(field){\n case 'hour':\n {\n let hours = value.hour;\n let min = 0;\n let max = 23;\n if ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.hourCycle) === 12) {\n let isPM = hours >= 12;\n min = isPM ? 12 : 0;\n max = isPM ? 23 : 11;\n }\n mutable.hour = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(hours, amount, min, max, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n break;\n }\n case 'minute':\n mutable.minute = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value.minute, amount, 0, 59, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n break;\n case 'second':\n mutable.second = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value.second, amount, 0, 59, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n break;\n case 'millisecond':\n mutable.millisecond = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value.millisecond, amount, 0, 999, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round);\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error('Unsupported field ' + field);\n }\n return mutable;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(value, amount, min, max, round = false) {\n if (round) {\n value += Math.sign(amount);\n if (value < min) value = max;\n let div = Math.abs(amount);\n if (amount > 0) value = Math.ceil(value / div) * div;\n else value = Math.floor(value / div) * div;\n if (value > max) value = min;\n } else {\n value += amount;\n if (value < min) value = max - (min - value - 1);\n else if (value > max) value = min + (value - max - 1);\n }\n return value;\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$96b1d28349274637(dateTime, duration) {\n let ms;\n if (duration.years != null && duration.years !== 0 || duration.months != null && duration.months !== 0 || duration.weeks != null && duration.weeks !== 0 || duration.days != null && duration.days !== 0) {\n let res = $735220c2d4774dd3$export$e16d8520af44a096((0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484)(dateTime), {\n years: duration.years,\n months: duration.months,\n weeks: duration.weeks,\n days: duration.days\n });\n // Changing the date may change the timezone offset, so we need to recompute\n // using the 'compatible' disambiguation.\n ms = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(res, dateTime.timeZone);\n } else // Otherwise, preserve the offset of the original date.\n ms = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb)(dateTime) - dateTime.offset;\n // Perform time manipulation in milliseconds rather than on the original time fields to account for DST.\n // For example, adding one hour during a DST transition may result in the hour field staying the same or\n // skipping an hour. This results in the offset field changing value instead of the specified field.\n ms += duration.milliseconds || 0;\n ms += (duration.seconds || 0) * 1000;\n ms += (duration.minutes || 0) * 60000;\n ms += (duration.hours || 0) * 3600000;\n let res = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(ms, dateTime.timeZone);\n return (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)(res, dateTime.calendar);\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$6814caac34ca03c7(dateTime, duration) {\n return $735220c2d4774dd3$export$96b1d28349274637(dateTime, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$3e2544e88a25bff8(duration));\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$9a297d111fc86b79(dateTime, field, amount, options) {\n // For date fields, we want the time to remain consistent and the UTC offset to potentially change to account for DST changes.\n // For time fields, we want the time to change by the amount given. This may result in the hour field staying the same, but the UTC\n // offset changing in the case of a backward DST transition, or skipping an hour in the case of a forward DST transition.\n switch(field){\n case 'hour':\n {\n let min = 0;\n let max = 23;\n if ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.hourCycle) === 12) {\n let isPM = dateTime.hour >= 12;\n min = isPM ? 12 : 0;\n max = isPM ? 23 : 11;\n }\n // The minimum and maximum hour may be affected by daylight saving time.\n // For example, it might jump forward at midnight, and skip 1am.\n // Or it might end at midnight and repeat the 11pm hour. To handle this, we get\n // the possible absolute times for the min and max, and find the maximum range\n // that is within the current day.\n let plainDateTime = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484)(dateTime);\n let minDate = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)($735220c2d4774dd3$export$e5d5e1c1822b6e56(plainDateTime, {\n hour: min\n }), new (0, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec)());\n let minAbsolute = [\n (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(minDate, dateTime.timeZone, 'earlier'),\n (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(minDate, dateTime.timeZone, 'later')\n ].filter((ms)=>(0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(ms, dateTime.timeZone).day === minDate.day)[0];\n let maxDate = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)($735220c2d4774dd3$export$e5d5e1c1822b6e56(plainDateTime, {\n hour: max\n }), new (0, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec)());\n let maxAbsolute = [\n (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(maxDate, dateTime.timeZone, 'earlier'),\n (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(maxDate, dateTime.timeZone, 'later')\n ].filter((ms)=>(0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(ms, dateTime.timeZone).day === maxDate.day).pop();\n // Since hours may repeat, we need to operate on the absolute time in milliseconds.\n // This is done in hours from the Unix epoch so that cycleValue works correctly,\n // and then converted back to milliseconds.\n let ms = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb)(dateTime) - dateTime.offset;\n let hours = Math.floor(ms / $735220c2d4774dd3$var$ONE_HOUR);\n let remainder = ms % $735220c2d4774dd3$var$ONE_HOUR;\n ms = $735220c2d4774dd3$var$cycleValue(hours, amount, Math.floor(minAbsolute / $735220c2d4774dd3$var$ONE_HOUR), Math.floor(maxAbsolute / $735220c2d4774dd3$var$ONE_HOUR), options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.round) * $735220c2d4774dd3$var$ONE_HOUR + remainder;\n // Now compute the new timezone offset, and convert the absolute time back to local time.\n return (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)((0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(ms, dateTime.timeZone), dateTime.calendar);\n }\n case 'minute':\n case 'second':\n case 'millisecond':\n // @ts-ignore\n return $735220c2d4774dd3$export$dd02b3e0007dfe28(dateTime, field, amount, options);\n case 'era':\n case 'year':\n case 'month':\n case 'day':\n {\n let res = $735220c2d4774dd3$export$d52ced6badfb9a4c((0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484)(dateTime), field, amount, options);\n let ms = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(res, dateTime.timeZone);\n return (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)((0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(ms, dateTime.timeZone), dateTime.calendar);\n }\n default:\n throw new Error('Unsupported field ' + field);\n }\n}\nfunction $735220c2d4774dd3$export$31b5430eb18be4f8(dateTime, fields, disambiguation) {\n // Set the date/time fields, and recompute the UTC offset to account for DST changes.\n // We also need to validate by converting back to a local time in case hours are skipped during forward DST transitions.\n let plainDateTime = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484)(dateTime);\n let res = $735220c2d4774dd3$export$e5d5e1c1822b6e56($735220c2d4774dd3$export$adaa4cf7ef1b65be(plainDateTime, fields), fields);\n // If the resulting plain date time values are equal, return the original time.\n // We don't want to change the offset when setting the time to the same value.\n if (res.compare(plainDateTime) === 0) return dateTime;\n let ms = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(res, dateTime.timeZone, disambiguation);\n return (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)((0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(ms, dateTime.timeZone), dateTime.calendar);\n}\n\n\nexport {$735220c2d4774dd3$export$e16d8520af44a096 as add, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2 as constrain, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$3e2544e88a25bff8 as invertDuration, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$4e2d2ead65e5f7e3 as subtract, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$adaa4cf7ef1b65be as set, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$e5d5e1c1822b6e56 as setTime, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$7555de1e070510cb as constrainTime, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$7ed87b6bc2506470 as addTime, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$fe34d3a381cd7501 as subtractTime, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$d52ced6badfb9a4c as cycleDate, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$dd02b3e0007dfe28 as cycleTime, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$96b1d28349274637 as addZoned, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$6814caac34ca03c7 as subtractZoned, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$9a297d111fc86b79 as cycleZoned, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$31b5430eb18be4f8 as setZoned};\n//# sourceMappingURL=manipulation.module.js.map\n","import {fromAbsolute as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac, toAbsolute as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c, toCalendar as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032, toCalendarDate as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$93522d1a439f3617} from \"./conversion.mjs\";\nimport {weekStartData as $2fe286d2fb449abb$export$7a5acbd77d414bd9} from \"./weekStartData.mjs\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ea39ec197993aef0(a, b) {\n b = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)(b, a.calendar);\n return a.era === b.era && a.year === b.year && a.month === b.month && a.day === b.day;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a18c89cbd24170ff(a, b) {\n b = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)(b, a.calendar);\n // In the Japanese calendar, months can span multiple eras/years, so only compare the first of the month.\n a = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(a);\n b = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(b);\n return a.era === b.era && a.year === b.year && a.month === b.month;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5841f9eb9773f25f(a, b) {\n b = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032)(b, a.calendar);\n a = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$f91e89d3d0406102(a);\n b = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$f91e89d3d0406102(b);\n return a.era === b.era && a.year === b.year;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$91b62ebf2ba703ee(a, b) {\n return a.calendar.identifier === b.calendar.identifier && a.era === b.era && a.year === b.year && a.month === b.month && a.day === b.day;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5a8da0c44a3afdf2(a, b) {\n a = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(a);\n b = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(b);\n return a.calendar.identifier === b.calendar.identifier && a.era === b.era && a.year === b.year && a.month === b.month;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ea840f5a6dda8147(a, b) {\n a = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$f91e89d3d0406102(a);\n b = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$f91e89d3d0406102(b);\n return a.calendar.identifier === b.calendar.identifier && a.era === b.era && a.year === b.year;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$629b0a497aa65267(date, timeZone) {\n return $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ea39ec197993aef0(date, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$d0bdf45af03a6ea3(timeZone));\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$2061056d06d7cdf7(date, locale) {\n let julian = date.calendar.toJulianDay(date);\n // If julian is negative, then julian % 7 will be negative, so we adjust\n // accordingly. Julian day 0 is Monday.\n let dayOfWeek = Math.ceil(julian + 1 - $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$getWeekStart(locale)) % 7;\n if (dayOfWeek < 0) dayOfWeek += 7;\n return dayOfWeek;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$461939dd4422153(timeZone) {\n return (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac)(Date.now(), timeZone);\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$d0bdf45af03a6ea3(timeZone) {\n return (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$93522d1a439f3617)($14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$461939dd4422153(timeZone));\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$68781ddf31c0090f(a, b) {\n return a.calendar.toJulianDay(a) - b.calendar.toJulianDay(b);\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$c19a80a9721b80f6(a, b) {\n return $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$timeToMs(a) - $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$timeToMs(b);\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$timeToMs(a) {\n return a.hour * 3600000 + a.minute * 60000 + a.second * 1000 + a.millisecond;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$126c91c941de7e(a, timeZone) {\n let ms = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(a, timeZone);\n let tomorrow = a.add({\n days: 1\n });\n let tomorrowMs = (0, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c)(tomorrow, timeZone);\n return (tomorrowMs - ms) / 3600000;\n}\nlet $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$localTimeZone = null;\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2() {\n // TODO: invalidate this somehow?\n if ($14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$localTimeZone == null) $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$localTimeZone = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;\n return $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$localTimeZone;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(date) {\n // Use `subtract` instead of `set` so we don't get constrained in an era.\n return date.subtract({\n days: date.day - 1\n });\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a2258d9c4118825c(date) {\n return date.add({\n days: date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date) - date.day\n });\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$f91e89d3d0406102(date) {\n return $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(date.subtract({\n months: date.month - 1\n }));\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$8b7aa55c66d5569e(date) {\n return $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a2258d9c4118825c(date.add({\n months: date.calendar.getMonthsInYear(date) - date.month\n }));\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5412ac11713b72ad(date) {\n if (date.calendar.getMinimumMonthInYear) return date.calendar.getMinimumMonthInYear(date);\n return 1;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$b2f4953d301981d5(date) {\n if (date.calendar.getMinimumDayInMonth) return date.calendar.getMinimumDayInMonth(date);\n return 1;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$42c81a444fbfb5d4(date, locale) {\n let dayOfWeek = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$2061056d06d7cdf7(date, locale);\n return date.subtract({\n days: dayOfWeek\n });\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ef8b6d9133084f4e(date, locale) {\n return $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$42c81a444fbfb5d4(date, locale).add({\n days: 6\n });\n}\nconst $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$cachedRegions = new Map();\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$getRegion(locale) {\n // If the Intl.Locale API is available, use it to get the region for the locale.\n // @ts-ignore\n if (Intl.Locale) {\n // Constructing an Intl.Locale is expensive, so cache the result.\n let region = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$cachedRegions.get(locale);\n if (!region) {\n // @ts-ignore\n region = new Intl.Locale(locale).maximize().region;\n if (region) $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$cachedRegions.set(locale, region);\n }\n return region;\n }\n // If not, just try splitting the string.\n // If the second part of the locale string is 'u',\n // then this is a unicode extension, so ignore it.\n // Otherwise, it should be the region.\n let part = locale.split('-')[1];\n return part === 'u' ? undefined : part;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$getWeekStart(locale) {\n // TODO: use Intl.Locale for this once browsers support the weekInfo property\n // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-locale-info\n let region = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$getRegion(locale);\n return region ? (0, $2fe286d2fb449abb$export$7a5acbd77d414bd9)[region] || 0 : 0;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ccc1b2479e7dd654(date, locale) {\n let days = date.calendar.getDaysInMonth(date);\n return Math.ceil(($14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$2061056d06d7cdf7($14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e(date), locale) + days) / 7);\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5c333a116e949cdd(a, b) {\n if (a && b) return a.compare(b) <= 0 ? a : b;\n return a || b;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a75f2bff57811055(a, b) {\n if (a && b) return a.compare(b) >= 0 ? a : b;\n return a || b;\n}\nconst $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$WEEKEND_DATA = {\n AF: [\n 4,\n 5\n ],\n AE: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n BH: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n DZ: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n EG: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n IL: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n IQ: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n IR: [\n 5,\n 5\n ],\n JO: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n KW: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n LY: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n OM: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n QA: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n SA: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n SD: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n SY: [\n 5,\n 6\n ],\n YE: [\n 5,\n 6\n ]\n};\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$618d60ea299da42(date, locale) {\n let julian = date.calendar.toJulianDay(date);\n // If julian is negative, then julian % 7 will be negative, so we adjust\n // accordingly. Julian day 0 is Monday.\n let dayOfWeek = Math.ceil(julian + 1) % 7;\n if (dayOfWeek < 0) dayOfWeek += 7;\n let region = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$getRegion(locale);\n // Use Intl.Locale for this once weekInfo is supported.\n // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-locale-info\n let [start, end] = $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$var$WEEKEND_DATA[region] || [\n 6,\n 0\n ];\n return dayOfWeek === start || dayOfWeek === end;\n}\nfunction $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ee9d87258e1d19ed(date, locale) {\n return !$14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$618d60ea299da42(date, locale);\n}\n\n\nexport {$14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ea39ec197993aef0 as isSameDay, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a18c89cbd24170ff as isSameMonth, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a5a3b454ada2268e as startOfMonth, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5841f9eb9773f25f as isSameYear, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$f91e89d3d0406102 as startOfYear, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$91b62ebf2ba703ee as isEqualDay, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5a8da0c44a3afdf2 as isEqualMonth, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ea840f5a6dda8147 as isEqualYear, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$629b0a497aa65267 as isToday, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$d0bdf45af03a6ea3 as today, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$2061056d06d7cdf7 as getDayOfWeek, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$461939dd4422153 as now, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$68781ddf31c0090f as compareDate, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$c19a80a9721b80f6 as compareTime, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$126c91c941de7e as getHoursInDay, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2 as getLocalTimeZone, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a2258d9c4118825c as endOfMonth, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$8b7aa55c66d5569e as endOfYear, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5412ac11713b72ad as getMinimumMonthInYear, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$b2f4953d301981d5 as getMinimumDayInMonth, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$42c81a444fbfb5d4 as startOfWeek, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ef8b6d9133084f4e as endOfWeek, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ccc1b2479e7dd654 as getWeeksInMonth, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$5c333a116e949cdd as minDate, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$a75f2bff57811055 as maxDate, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$618d60ea299da42 as isWeekend, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$ee9d87258e1d19ed as isWeekday};\n//# sourceMappingURL=queries.module.js.map\n","import {CalendarDate as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f, CalendarDateTime as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$ca871e8dbb80966f} from \"./CalendarDate.mjs\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \nfunction $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$842a2cf37af977e1(amount, numerator) {\n return amount - numerator * Math.floor(amount / numerator);\n}\nfunction $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$784d13d8ee351f07(date) {\n if (date.era) return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f)(date.calendar, date.era, date.year, date.month, date.day);\n else return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f)(date.calendar, date.year, date.month, date.day);\n}\nfunction $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$27fa0172ae2644b3(date) {\n if (date.era) return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$ca871e8dbb80966f)(date.calendar, date.era, date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);\n else return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$ca871e8dbb80966f)(date.calendar, date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second);\n}\n\n\nexport {$2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$842a2cf37af977e1 as mod, $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$784d13d8ee351f07 as copy, $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$27fa0172ae2644b3 as copyDateTime};\n//# sourceMappingURL=utils.module.js.map\n","import {CalendarDate as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f} from \"./CalendarDate.mjs\";\nimport {mod as $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$842a2cf37af977e1} from \"./utils.mjs\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ // Portions of the code in this file are based on code from ICU.\n// Original licensing can be found in the NOTICE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n\n\nconst $3b62074eb05584b2$var$EPOCH = 1721426; // 001/01/03 Julian C.E.\nfunction $3b62074eb05584b2$export$f297eb839006d339(era, year, month, day) {\n year = $3b62074eb05584b2$export$c36e0ecb2d4fa69d(era, year);\n let y1 = year - 1;\n let monthOffset = -2;\n if (month <= 2) monthOffset = 0;\n else if ($3b62074eb05584b2$export$553d7fa8e3805fc0(year)) monthOffset = -1;\n return $3b62074eb05584b2$var$EPOCH - 1 + 365 * y1 + Math.floor(y1 / 4) - Math.floor(y1 / 100) + Math.floor(y1 / 400) + Math.floor((367 * month - 362) / 12 + monthOffset + day);\n}\nfunction $3b62074eb05584b2$export$553d7fa8e3805fc0(year) {\n return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);\n}\nfunction $3b62074eb05584b2$export$c36e0ecb2d4fa69d(era, year) {\n return era === 'BC' ? 1 - year : year;\n}\nfunction $3b62074eb05584b2$export$4475b7e617eb123c(year) {\n let era = 'AD';\n if (year <= 0) {\n era = 'BC';\n year = 1 - year;\n }\n return [\n era,\n year\n ];\n}\nconst $3b62074eb05584b2$var$daysInMonth = {\n standard: [\n 31,\n 28,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31\n ],\n leapyear: [\n 31,\n 29,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31\n ]\n};\nclass $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec {\n fromJulianDay(jd) {\n let jd0 = jd;\n let depoch = jd0 - $3b62074eb05584b2$var$EPOCH;\n let quadricent = Math.floor(depoch / 146097);\n let dqc = (0, $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$842a2cf37af977e1)(depoch, 146097);\n let cent = Math.floor(dqc / 36524);\n let dcent = (0, $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$842a2cf37af977e1)(dqc, 36524);\n let quad = Math.floor(dcent / 1461);\n let dquad = (0, $2b4dce13dd5a17fa$export$842a2cf37af977e1)(dcent, 1461);\n let yindex = Math.floor(dquad / 365);\n let extendedYear = quadricent * 400 + cent * 100 + quad * 4 + yindex + (cent !== 4 && yindex !== 4 ? 1 : 0);\n let [era, year] = $3b62074eb05584b2$export$4475b7e617eb123c(extendedYear);\n let yearDay = jd0 - $3b62074eb05584b2$export$f297eb839006d339(era, year, 1, 1);\n let leapAdj = 2;\n if (jd0 < $3b62074eb05584b2$export$f297eb839006d339(era, year, 3, 1)) leapAdj = 0;\n else if ($3b62074eb05584b2$export$553d7fa8e3805fc0(year)) leapAdj = 1;\n let month = Math.floor(((yearDay + leapAdj) * 12 + 373) / 367);\n let day = jd0 - $3b62074eb05584b2$export$f297eb839006d339(era, year, month, 1) + 1;\n return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f)(era, year, month, day);\n }\n toJulianDay(date) {\n return $3b62074eb05584b2$export$f297eb839006d339(date.era, date.year, date.month, date.day);\n }\n getDaysInMonth(date) {\n return $3b62074eb05584b2$var$daysInMonth[$3b62074eb05584b2$export$553d7fa8e3805fc0(date.year) ? 'leapyear' : 'standard'][date.month - 1];\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n getMonthsInYear(date) {\n return 12;\n }\n getDaysInYear(date) {\n return $3b62074eb05584b2$export$553d7fa8e3805fc0(date.year) ? 366 : 365;\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n getYearsInEra(date) {\n return 9999;\n }\n getEras() {\n return [\n 'BC',\n 'AD'\n ];\n }\n isInverseEra(date) {\n return date.era === 'BC';\n }\n balanceDate(date) {\n if (date.year <= 0) {\n date.era = date.era === 'BC' ? 'AD' : 'BC';\n date.year = 1 - date.year;\n }\n }\n constructor(){\n this.identifier = 'gregory';\n }\n}\n\n\nexport {$3b62074eb05584b2$export$f297eb839006d339 as gregorianToJulianDay, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$c36e0ecb2d4fa69d as getExtendedYear, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$553d7fa8e3805fc0 as isLeapYear, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$4475b7e617eb123c as fromExtendedYear, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec as GregorianCalendar};\n//# sourceMappingURL=GregorianCalendar.module.js.map\n","import {CalendarDate as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f, CalendarDateTime as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$ca871e8dbb80966f, Time as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$680ea196effce5f, ZonedDateTime as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$d3b7288e7994edea} from \"./CalendarDate.mjs\";\nimport {constrain as $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2} from \"./manipulation.mjs\";\nimport {getExtendedYear as $3b62074eb05584b2$export$c36e0ecb2d4fa69d, GregorianCalendar as $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec} from \"./GregorianCalendar.mjs\";\nimport {getLocalTimeZone as $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2} from \"./queries.mjs\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ // Portions of the code in this file are based on code from the TC39 Temporal proposal.\n// Original licensing can be found in the NOTICE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n\n\n\n\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb(date) {\n date = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032(date, new (0, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec)());\n let year = (0, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$c36e0ecb2d4fa69d)(date.era, date.year);\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$var$epochFromParts(year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$var$epochFromParts(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) {\n // Note: Date.UTC() interprets one and two-digit years as being in the\n // 20th century, so don't use it\n let date = new Date();\n date.setUTCHours(hour, minute, second, millisecond);\n date.setUTCFullYear(year, month - 1, day);\n return date.getTime();\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f(ms, timeZone) {\n // Fast path for UTC.\n if (timeZone === 'UTC') return 0;\n // Fast path: for local timezone after 1970, use native Date.\n if (ms > 0 && timeZone === (0, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2)()) return new Date(ms).getTimezoneOffset() * -60000;\n let { year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second } = $11d87f3f76e88657$var$getTimeZoneParts(ms, timeZone);\n let utc = $11d87f3f76e88657$var$epochFromParts(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0);\n return utc - Math.floor(ms / 1000) * 1000;\n}\nconst $11d87f3f76e88657$var$formattersByTimeZone = new Map();\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$var$getTimeZoneParts(ms, timeZone) {\n let formatter = $11d87f3f76e88657$var$formattersByTimeZone.get(timeZone);\n if (!formatter) {\n formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {\n timeZone: timeZone,\n hour12: false,\n era: 'short',\n year: 'numeric',\n month: 'numeric',\n day: 'numeric',\n hour: 'numeric',\n minute: 'numeric',\n second: 'numeric'\n });\n $11d87f3f76e88657$var$formattersByTimeZone.set(timeZone, formatter);\n }\n let parts = formatter.formatToParts(new Date(ms));\n let namedParts = {};\n for (let part of parts)if (part.type !== 'literal') namedParts[part.type] = part.value;\n return {\n // Firefox returns B instead of BC... https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1752253\n year: namedParts.era === 'BC' || namedParts.era === 'B' ? -namedParts.year + 1 : +namedParts.year,\n month: +namedParts.month,\n day: +namedParts.day,\n hour: namedParts.hour === '24' ? 0 : +namedParts.hour,\n minute: +namedParts.minute,\n second: +namedParts.second\n };\n}\nconst $11d87f3f76e88657$var$DAYMILLIS = 86400000;\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$136f38efe7caf549(date, timeZone) {\n let ms = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb(date);\n let earlier = ms - $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f(ms - $11d87f3f76e88657$var$DAYMILLIS, timeZone);\n let later = ms - $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f(ms + $11d87f3f76e88657$var$DAYMILLIS, timeZone);\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$var$getValidWallTimes(date, timeZone, earlier, later);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$var$getValidWallTimes(date, timeZone, earlier, later) {\n let found = earlier === later ? [\n earlier\n ] : [\n earlier,\n later\n ];\n return found.filter((absolute)=>$11d87f3f76e88657$var$isValidWallTime(date, timeZone, absolute));\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$var$isValidWallTime(date, timeZone, absolute) {\n let parts = $11d87f3f76e88657$var$getTimeZoneParts(absolute, timeZone);\n return date.year === parts.year && date.month === parts.month && date.day === parts.day && date.hour === parts.hour && date.minute === parts.minute && date.second === parts.second;\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c(date, timeZone, disambiguation = 'compatible') {\n let dateTime = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484(date);\n // Fast path: if the time zone is UTC, use native Date.\n if (timeZone === 'UTC') return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb(dateTime);\n // Fast path: if the time zone is the local timezone and disambiguation is compatible, use native Date.\n if (timeZone === (0, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2)() && disambiguation === 'compatible') {\n dateTime = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032(dateTime, new (0, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec)());\n // Don't use Date constructor here because two-digit years are interpreted in the 20th century.\n let date = new Date();\n let year = (0, $3b62074eb05584b2$export$c36e0ecb2d4fa69d)(dateTime.era, dateTime.year);\n date.setFullYear(year, dateTime.month - 1, dateTime.day);\n date.setHours(dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute, dateTime.second, dateTime.millisecond);\n return date.getTime();\n }\n let ms = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb(dateTime);\n let offsetBefore = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f(ms - $11d87f3f76e88657$var$DAYMILLIS, timeZone);\n let offsetAfter = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f(ms + $11d87f3f76e88657$var$DAYMILLIS, timeZone);\n let valid = $11d87f3f76e88657$var$getValidWallTimes(dateTime, timeZone, ms - offsetBefore, ms - offsetAfter);\n if (valid.length === 1) return valid[0];\n if (valid.length > 1) switch(disambiguation){\n // 'compatible' means 'earlier' for \"fall back\" transitions\n case 'compatible':\n case 'earlier':\n return valid[0];\n case 'later':\n return valid[valid.length - 1];\n case 'reject':\n throw new RangeError('Multiple possible absolute times found');\n }\n switch(disambiguation){\n case 'earlier':\n return Math.min(ms - offsetBefore, ms - offsetAfter);\n // 'compatible' means 'later' for \"spring forward\" transitions\n case 'compatible':\n case 'later':\n return Math.max(ms - offsetBefore, ms - offsetAfter);\n case 'reject':\n throw new RangeError('No such absolute time found');\n }\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$e67a095c620b86fe(dateTime, timeZone, disambiguation = 'compatible') {\n return new Date($11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c(dateTime, timeZone, disambiguation));\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac(ms, timeZone) {\n let offset = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f(ms, timeZone);\n let date = new Date(ms + offset);\n let year = date.getUTCFullYear();\n let month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;\n let day = date.getUTCDate();\n let hour = date.getUTCHours();\n let minute = date.getUTCMinutes();\n let second = date.getUTCSeconds();\n let millisecond = date.getUTCMilliseconds();\n return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$d3b7288e7994edea)(year, month, day, timeZone, offset, hour, minute, second, millisecond);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$e57ff100d91bd4b9(date, timeZone) {\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac(date.getTime(), timeZone);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$d7f92bcd3596b086(date) {\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$e57ff100d91bd4b9(date, (0, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2)());\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$93522d1a439f3617(dateTime) {\n return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f)(dateTime.calendar, dateTime.era, dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$6f4d78149f3f53ac(date) {\n return {\n era: date.era,\n year: date.year,\n month: date.month,\n day: date.day\n };\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$4d0393e732857be5(date) {\n return {\n hour: date.hour,\n minute: date.minute,\n second: date.second,\n millisecond: date.millisecond\n };\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484(date, time) {\n let hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, millisecond = 0;\n if ('timeZone' in date) ({ hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second, millisecond: millisecond } = date);\n else if ('hour' in date && !time) return date;\n if (time) ({ hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second, millisecond: millisecond } = time);\n return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$ca871e8dbb80966f)(date.calendar, date.era, date.year, date.month, date.day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$d33f79e3ffc3dc83(dateTime) {\n return new (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$680ea196effce5f)(dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute, dateTime.second, dateTime.millisecond);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032(date, calendar) {\n if (date.calendar.identifier === calendar.identifier) return date;\n let calendarDate = calendar.fromJulianDay(date.calendar.toJulianDay(date));\n let copy = date.copy();\n copy.calendar = calendar;\n copy.era = calendarDate.era;\n copy.year = calendarDate.year;\n copy.month = calendarDate.month;\n copy.day = calendarDate.day;\n (0, $735220c2d4774dd3$export$c4e2ecac49351ef2)(copy);\n return copy;\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$84c95a83c799e074(date, timeZone, disambiguation) {\n if (date instanceof (0, $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$d3b7288e7994edea)) {\n if (date.timeZone === timeZone) return date;\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$538b00033cc11c75(date, timeZone);\n }\n let ms = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c(date, timeZone, disambiguation);\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac(ms, timeZone);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$83aac07b4c37b25(date) {\n let ms = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb(date) - date.offset;\n return new Date(ms);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$538b00033cc11c75(date, timeZone) {\n let ms = $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb(date) - date.offset;\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032($11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac(ms, timeZone), date.calendar);\n}\nfunction $11d87f3f76e88657$export$d9b67bc93c097491(date) {\n return $11d87f3f76e88657$export$538b00033cc11c75(date, (0, $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2)());\n}\n\n\nexport {$11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb as epochFromDate, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032 as toCalendar, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$59c99f3515d3493f as getTimeZoneOffset, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$136f38efe7caf549 as possibleAbsolutes, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c as toAbsolute, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484 as toCalendarDateTime, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$e67a095c620b86fe as toDate, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac as fromAbsolute, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$e57ff100d91bd4b9 as fromDate, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$d7f92bcd3596b086 as fromDateToLocal, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$93522d1a439f3617 as toCalendarDate, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$6f4d78149f3f53ac as toDateFields, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$4d0393e732857be5 as toTimeFields, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$d33f79e3ffc3dc83 as toTime, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$84c95a83c799e074 as toZoned, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$538b00033cc11c75 as toTimeZone, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$83aac07b4c37b25 as zonedToDate, $11d87f3f76e88657$export$d9b67bc93c097491 as toLocalTimeZone};\n//# sourceMappingURL=conversion.module.js.map\n","import {CalendarDate as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$99faa760c7908e4f, CalendarDateTime as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$ca871e8dbb80966f, Time as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$680ea196effce5f, ZonedDateTime as $35ea8db9cb2ccb90$export$d3b7288e7994edea} from \"./CalendarDate.mjs\";\nimport {epochFromDate as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$bd4fb2bc8bb06fb, fromAbsolute as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$1b96692a1ba042ac, possibleAbsolutes as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$136f38efe7caf549, toAbsolute as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$5107c82f94518f5c, toCalendar as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b4a036af3fc0b032, toCalendarDateTime as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$b21e0b124e224484, toTimeZone as $11d87f3f76e88657$export$538b00033cc11c75} from \"./conversion.mjs\";\nimport {getLocalTimeZone as $14e0f24ef4ac5c92$export$aa8b41735afcabd2} from \"./queries.mjs\";\nimport {GregorianCalendar as $3b62074eb05584b2$export$80ee6245ec4f29ec} from \"./GregorianCalendar.mjs\";\n\n/*\n * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved.\n * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy\n * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under\n * the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS\n * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language\n * governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n */ \n\n\n\nconst $fae977aafc393c5c$var$TIME_RE = /^(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(\\.\\d+)?$/;\nconst $fae977aafc393c5c$var$DATE_RE = /^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})$/;\nconst $fae977aafc393c5c$var$DATE_TIME_RE = /^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})(?:T(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(\\.\\d+)?$/;\nconst $fae977aafc393c5c$var$ZONED_DATE_TIME_RE = /^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})(?:T(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(\\.\\d+)?(?:([+-]\\d{2})(?::?(\\d{2}))?)?\\[(.*?)\\]$/;\nconst $fae977aafc393c5c$var$ABSOLUTE_RE = /^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})(?:T(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(?::(\\d{2}))?(\\.\\d+)?(?:(?:([+-]\\d{2})(?::?(\\d{2}))?)|Z)$/;\nconst $fae977aafc393c5c$var$DATE_TIME_DURATION_RE = /^((?-)|\\+)?P((?\\d*)Y)?((?\\d*)M)?((?\\d*)W)?((?\\d*)D)?((?